🎮Ghosting you..literally🎮

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Dream threw his phone across the room, yelling out a curse word. His boyfriend, Sapnap, was ghosting him. The blonde honestly doesn't know what he did, Dream says good morning and goodnight everyday. He takes the road trip every two weeks to visit him, what did he do?

"Was it that one I didn't say I love you after we FaceTimed for literally 12 hours?" Dream asked himself, but shook his head. Sapnap didn't say it either. Anyhow, he would get his answer in like 5 hours. He would be visiting today.

"Of fucking course!" Dream yelled angrily when his phone started ringing, and he jumped up to answer it. He found it after a bit and looked at the caller ID.


Dream gasped, answering it immediately. He waited for him to talk, nothing came.

"Hello?" The blonde frowned, but was surprised when he heard a voice come back.

"Help me." It was echoey, hard to make out. For a second Dream just thought if was something in his own house. After that he saw his own face as whoever was on the phone requested to FaceTime.

Dream answered, of course. At first it was just a black screen, but Sapnap's room was shone every so often. It was like someone was running around it, trying to find something. Abruptly, the call ended, and Dream was even more confused. Now he definitely had to get to Sapnap.

5 LONG ASS hours later, Dream finally arrived at his destination, looking at a red door. It was tall, and the more he looked at it, the more it seemed to tower over him. Dream knocked, twice in a row, then just once on its own.

No one answered, but honestly he expected that. Dream just opened the door, knowing full well that it was already unlocked.

"He needs to be more careful." The blonde muttered to himself, kicking aside an empty plastic bag. Dream looked into the kitchen, spotting several empty pill bottles. They were all the same type.

"He's been taking his medicine at least." The tall male smiled, passing the dimly lit area. He went past a bathroom, and the guest room. Dream knocked on Sapnap's door, fondly tracing the painted lines with his eyes. They had painted the door together, and that day a white Dream hoodie had to be thrown out.

"You sleeping bud?" He asked, opening the door slowly. He saw Sapnap laying in his bed, but something seemed.. off. The boy didn't seem, well. That's when Dream noticed, a line of bugs crawling up to his bed from the window.

"N-No..? Surely not." He stepped closer, able to see that Sapnap's eyes were half open, and his chest wasn't rising nor falling. Dream smacked a few ants away, tears forming at his eyes.

"Pandas? Baby wake up, c'mon! Dreamy is right hear, right hear to hold you.." He cried out, holding the limp body in his arms.

"Why would you do this to yourself?" Dream sniffled, letting his tears fall into lush brown hair.

"I'm sorry.." he turned, faced with a ghostly figure. Dream gasped, jumping.

"Sapnap?" He said loudly, reaching out to touch him. His hand passed through the figure, but his hand turned cold.

"Forgive me." Sapnap whispered, his eyes looked like ice spheres, and his hair was floating at the ends, along with his finger tips.

"Oh honey I was never mad.! But why?" Dream let his hand rest on cold skin, rubbing his thumb over a now closed eye.

"I-I don't know.." Sapnap replied, a seemingly confused face making Dream frown. The ghost started to fade, still wondering why he had killed him self.

"I love you"

Part 2??


I am so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while lol, mental health kinda DROPPED

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