🔊Drag race🕹

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🔊- means pure comedy

Sapnap jumped up excitedly, waiting for Dream to come with his food from the concession stand. They were at a drag race, and Sapnap was very excited.

"Here, Sapnap I have your-" Dream ducked when the boy waved his arms wildly. The dirty blonde laughed, setting the food down. Sapnap sat with him, stuffing his face so that he could scream when the cars went down the road. Dream watched him with love filled eyes, he loved when his boyfriend got over excited at things.

"Hubby look! They're starting!" Sapnap cheered, using the nickname that made Dream blush like crazy. The older male grabbed the smaller one, setting him on his lap. They watched cars line up, and the signal went. Sapnap screamed and squirmed with pure joy as they went down the line. Dream just liked seeing him happy, so he started to kiss his neck. Sapnap's breath hitched only for a moment, then he got distracted by another set of cars creating smoke as they waited to go.

"Dream! That one has a nose!" Sapnap laughed, but the laugh turned into a soft moan once Dream hit his sweet spot.

"We're in public.." Sapnap whined softly, though he pushed himself back on the other boy.

"No one'll be able to hear you~" Dream whispered in his ear, being all seductive and shit.

"You know what? I'm going to sit over there." Sapnap huffed, standing up and walking down the bleachers. He sat where Dream could just see him barely through the people.

"Fucking horny ass bitch." Sapnap muttered, the looked to the side to see a young boy looking at him with wide eyes.

"uHm I mean I love everything!" Sapnap's voice cracked. He watched the drag race with joy, catching Dream's gaze every so often.

Sapnap sighed, he was sitting in the passenger's seat, the couple were on their way home.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He asked Dream, who hadn't been talking since they met back in the car.

"I'm sorry baby! I just wanted to watch the cars go vroom!" Sapnap talked in a baby voice, pouting when he didn't get an answer.

"Awh! Do you want my attention?" Sapnap teased, sticking his tongue out. Dream's jawline sharpened as he got more frustrated.

"Get out of the fucking car." He snapped. Sapnap realized they were home and he took no notice of Dream's attitude. He hopped out, happily walking up the sidewalk to their door.


"Yes?" Sapnap smiled at the dirty blonde. Dream shut the door behind him, then pinned the smaller boy against the wall.

"Heh- I'm sorry about di-" Sapnap was cut off when Dream put a hand on his no no square.

"You did it on purpose didn't you?" The boy growled, "You wanted me to see when your shirt showed your belly whenever you stood up, whenever your hair moved perfectly in the wind."

"A-Ah! Dream.. that- wasn't it!" Sapnap clenched his eyes shut as Dream palmed him through his shorts.

"Fuck. Your thighs looked so cute whenever you moved." He dropped to his knees, ghosting his lips over the pale skin he was just talking about. Sapnap leaned as far as he could onto the wall when Dream slid his shorts down.

"Consent to touch my pretty prince?" He asked. Sapnap felt his knees almost give in, he had a major consent kink.

"Can't stand.. Dreamy carry me. Then use me." Sapnap whined when he was picked up. They went to their bedroom, and almost immediately were Sapnap's clothes ripped away from his body.

"Hm. Remember the safe word?" Dream asked.

"Of course.. fucking Michelle." Sapnap was growing impatient. They had their safe word after a song, one of Sapnap's favorites.

"And what's my name?"

"Hubby." The smaller brunette sighed in relief as three fingers were placed at his lips.

"You know what to do wifey." Dream whispered as Sapnap took the digits in. He was suddenly self conscious about how he looked doing this. Dream, picking this up, reminded him about how beautiful he was,

"Look at you. So pretty whenever we do this. I can't get enough!" Dream took his fingers away, instead placing them at his hole Alice in wonderland style.

"I feel stupid Hubby. Just please touch me!" Sapnap whined in a high pitched voice.

"Alright.. just try to be quiet."

Sorry it's not long.. I SUCK at writing smut

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