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Okay I will admit, I wrote the majority of this like 6 months ago. Buuut I did try to revamp it! So hopefully it won't be as cringe

Sapnap was angry with someone. Angry with the brown hair that is combed perfectly to the side. The smile that beams with every kiss planted on his pale skin. The way that his eyes brighten every time he's told that he is beautiful. The way he sleeps in his arms. Sapnap was in love as well. In love with the blonde hair that is hardly brushed. The smile that awakens after he plants the kisses on pale skin. The way that green eyes twinkle whenever he calls him beautiful. The way that he holds the boy in his arms.

Sapnap also had a problem. His problem had fluffy brown hair. A frown that almost never lifted. Dull eyes that have never been called beautiful. Never got any sleep, or slept for most of the day.

"Sap? You in there?" Knuckles pounded against the white door that separated Sapnap from the person he was angry at. And jealous of. For some reason though, he couldn't remember how long this was going on for.

"Yeah.. what's up?" He opened the door, hoping that his eyes weren't puffy. Either way George wouldn't notice. He just knew.

"Dream and I are going apartment shopping. Wanna come?" He asked, smiling as Dream came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his smaller body.

"S-sure!" Sapnap said, quickly sliding on his shoes and walking out to the car. Of course he sat in the backseat. The ride was filled with giggles, but not from Sapnap. Once they got to their destination, they checked in and went to the apartment. As they were walking around, Sapnap noticed that it was only a one bedroom.

"Is this the right place?" He asked.

"Yeah why wouldn't it be?" Dream responded. Sapnap felt weak to his knees. They were getting one without him. Why would they even ask him to go?

"Ah, no reason!" He smiled, turning away. His heart ached. What did George have that he doesn't? Is it his laugh? Is it his smile?

"Sap? You okay?" The boy frowned. Sapnap looked at him dead in the eye, anger taking over him.

"Am I okay? Am I okay?" He laughed, tears spilling out of his eyes. George took a step away.

"Oh I'm great Georgie! It's not like you took the man I love, ditched me to go live with him, ignored me all the time, and not even noticed when I cry in the same room as you. I'm GREAT!" He yelled, snapping his head to look at Dream.

"And you. All those years of me swooning over you and you LEAVE me?! Leave me for a fucking.. a f-fucking.. oh." Sapnap stopped. He realized why this was happening. George let out a sob, probably scared.

"I get it now. He's perfect, even I have nothing bad to say about him. I mean look at me. I'm nothing compared to him." Sapnap smiled. He turned around, beginning to walk out of the room.

"Sapnap! Wait please."  Dream tried to grab his wrist, but the brunette practically hissed at him.

"I'll get my things don't worry. I'll be out of your hair." Sapnap sighed, blinking more tears out of his eyes. He wished that Dream would kiss him, but that obviously didn't happen.

"I was just going to ask if you need a ride.."

"FUCK YOU!" Sapnap screamed, slapping the blonde. He started bawling his eyes out, right in front of them.






Sapnap jumped out of his slumber, his hands shaking and salty tears finding their way into his mouth. Dream stood over him with concerned eyes. The younger boy just looked around, trying to see if he could see George. Then Sapnap realized, George was in Britain. Dream was in Florida. And Sapnap was in Florida too. They had been cuddling last night, kissing eachother and complimenting one another. They were dating. It was just a nightmare. One big nightmare that was going on for about a month now.

"Dream.." he whispered, looking up at his boyfriend. The blonde frowned, sitting next to him and embracing him in a tight hug.

"Another nightmare?" Dream asked, rubbing comforting circles into Sapnap's back. The shorter boy just nodded, trying to wrap his head around what just happened.

"I'm yours. Not George's. You are perfect, you are my Pandas m'kay?" Dream murder softly. They continued to cuddle, the blonde often telling Sapnap how perfect he was and everything he loved about him. The whole time Sapnap was thinking.

"I don't think it was actually George in my nightmare. He seemed.. different. I think that all my insecurities were perfected and plastered onto him." Sapnap explained his train of thought. Dream hummed, letting his boyfriend know that he was listening.

"Like he was thinner then he actually is. And his laughs were so,, I dunno. His actions were so small and delicate, and his voice was softer."

"Well I'll tell you a thousand times if I have to. You are perfect. I like that you are loud, it's really cute. And I don't care how much you weigh, it doesn't define you. You aren't even fat! If you were, fat is beautiful and I don't know why people have demonized the word into being bad." Dream stated in an annoyed tone, clearly fed up with society. Sapnap looked up at him, smiling. The guy really was the best wasn't he?

"Thanks Dream. It means a lot to me. I don't think I will have any nightmares tonight." He giggled, moving himself so that he could place a proper kiss on his lover's lips.

"Nu uh, we've talked about this. Don't thank me if it's the truth." Dream reminded, dramatically shaking his head. Then they just laughed, at nothing really. When they were close to stopping, they would make eye contact and it would all start again.

You could just tell it was going to be a good day.


So uhm.. I made a discord server!

The link should be in my bio when this is uploaded, bc it won't let me put it in here or the comments. Join if you want! I should be active a lot.

Remember that the server is still under construction! This is my first time actually making one work so we'll see. Put any suggestions in the suggestion channel!

Remember to drink water and stay safe!

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