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A five year old Sapnap put on his coat eagerly, mittens too. His little arms reached up to open his front door, right across the street was a park. It had snowed the night before, and Sapnap was excited to play in the cold substance.

"Yes yes yes!" He cheered as he ran across the road, making sure to look both ways first. Once he got to the park, he had snow all the way up to his knees. Sapnap ran up the stairs to the top, slipping several times. He found a boy sitting there, making small snowballs.

"Hi!" Sapnap chirped, falling onto his knees next to the boy.

"Uhm.. hi." The older boy replied, looking at Sapnap. He stopped making snowballs, but instead massaged his bare hands.

"I'm Sapnap and I'm five! What about you?" The brunette smiled, making another snowball and adding it to the pile.

"I'm Dream. I'm seven.." Dream murmured, his green eyes stood out next to the snow.

"Here, your hands look cold." Sapnap pulled off his gloves, taking one of Dream's hands in the process. He slid the fabric on, giggling when the blonde shivered.

"See? It's warmer."

"No. Your hand was warmer." Dream took Sapnap's pale hand and stood up, speeding down the stairs. When they got down, Dream pushed the smaller brunette into the snow.

"Make me a snow angel. I want to compare sizes." He demanded, plopping down into the snow next to the boy. They both flapped their limbs back and forth, until Sapnap jumped up.

"C'mon! Let's look." The smaller boy held a hand out. Dream looked up at him, taking in his appearance in detail. He had rosy cheeks which complimented his fluffy brown hair. He had green eyes, not vibrant like Dream's but softer. The snowflakes sticking to his hair made the other boy laugh. He took Sapnap's hand, standing up, but also careful as to not made footsteps in the angel. Once Dream and Sapnap could look, he realized how small the brunette was compared to the blonde.

"It's only because you're older than me!" Sapnap stuck his tongue out, crossing his arms. Dream laughed, tapping him and yelling tag. They ran around the park for a bit before Sapnap lost Dream.

"Heyyy! Where'd ya go?" The small boy whined, looking around. He noticed a snow-covered bush shaking, some snow falling off. Sapnap tip-toed towards it, smiling mischievously.

"Ah!" He screamed when he felt snow hit the back of his head. Sapnap whipped around, glaring at the taller boy. Dream laughed, bending over on his knees.

"Well.. TAG!" Sapnap jumped forward, but Dream just moved to the side. The small brunette ended up on the ground, his face in the snow.

"Oh c'mooon~ you can do better than that." Dream teased. Sapnap huffed, struggling to stand up. He thought for a second. His legs were much shorter, and he was obviously slower. Sapnap jumped forward, and Dream darted to the side. But Sapnap had a plan, he quickly turned and jumped again, but the blonde was ready. He just moved to the side again!

"Ack! You're too fast!" Sapnap stomped his foot on the ground. Dream giggled.

"Are you the boy who lives over there?" He pointed to across the street, Sapnap's house to be exact.


"I see you playing with your cowboy stuff." Dream said, recalling all the times he's seen the small boy playing with his fake horse.

"You can play with me next time!?" Sapnap suggested, going back and forth between standing on his toes and his heels.

"I'd like that." Dream nodded, walking over to a bench and clearing off the snow. The two boys cuddled up to each other, none wanting to go home. They sat for a while, playing footies and giggling.

"Dream! Time to come in!" The blonde shot his head up, and Sapnap frowned. They stood up.

"Here, your mittens." Dream started to slide off the fabric but the brunette stopped him.

"Keep it! So you won't forget to come play with me." Sapnap smiled, waving as the blonde ran across the snow. Once he was gone, the young boy's smile dropped. He took a step forward, putting his foot in Dream's footprint.

"My new friend."

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