angry Cedric

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The passage reminded the young couple of a rabbits burrow with all its twists and turns. Cass kept her eyes tightly closed and tried to focus on her breathing like harry has just told her to do before.

He was still tightly holding her hand and occasionally saying things like "good job baby" or "were almost there, you are doing so good" which she really appreciated.

After a while of walking the two noticed that the passageway was rising, showing that they were going up and they sped up hoping that this ment they were close the the end of the confined space of the tunnel. Eventually  they came to the bottom of what they assumed to be a stone staircase and eagerly began to climb up it.

Harry was too busy counting the steps in his head that he wasn't painting attention to his surroundings and ended up hitting his head on what seemed to be a wooden trap door.


"What happened harry, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Cassie, nothing to worry about"

Harry stood for a moment, just listening to make sure that there was no one above the trapdoor and when he was ner with stone cold silence he carefully pushed the trapdoor open a sliver and peered out.

They were in a cellar, he realised, it was full of wooden crates and boxes that were labelled with the names of famous wizarding sweets and treats. 'We must have made it to Honeydukes' he thought happily.

He climbed out of the trap door and carefully pulled Cass out after him, he pulled her in for a hug as she let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding.

"Well done baby, do you feel better now?" He asked her softly

"Loads. Thank you" She leaned up on her tippy toes and kissed him to which he immediately reacted to when he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer into him. They pulled away when the sound of footsteps was heard descending the stairs.

"And grab a box of jelly slugs, darling, they have nearly taken the whole lot" said a Women's voice.

Harry pulled Cassandra behind one of the larger crates and put his hand over her mouth, she grabbed his hand to try and pull it off but he was surprisingly  strong. His eyes flickered down to her and his lips twitches into a smirk as he watched her struggle, she just rolled her eyes and gave up.

They heard the man, who had reached the bottom of the stairs, move some boxes around and when he had got to the other side of the room, the young boy took the opportunity and ran for the stairs, dragging his girlfriend with him.

They were met with a dusty looking wooden door at the top and quietly slipped through it, finding themselves  behind the counter of Honeydukes. They walked down the aisle past the many little groups of Hogwarts students and not one of them batted and eye at the two of them.

On their way they saw shelves upon shelves of delectable treats, more than they ever could have dreamed. Harry suddenly chuckled a little and Cass rose a confused brow at him.

"I'm just imagining the jealous look that my fat cousin would be wearing if he saw where we were now"

With that Cassie chuckeled along him, that did sound quite funny. They pushed past a large group of sixth years, that included her big brother, she saw him glance over at her and smile. He turned back to his friends but did a double take when he remembered that she wasn't supposed to be there.

She put a finger up to her lips and winked at him, Cedric was go over and reprimand his little sister but Harry had pulled her away before he could. He sighed and turned back his group of friends, deciding to seek her out when they got back to the castle and give her a stern talking to.

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