best birthday ever

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On Halloween morning Harry, Ron and Hermione made their way down to the Great hall, Harry was still in a bitter mode over not being able to leave the castle with his friends, but he was at least happy that he would be spending the day with Cassie. When Hermionie had woken up in the common room that morning and went to wake her best friend, she saw that Cassie wasn't in her bed. Her, Harry and Ron had searched around for her but when she hadn't been found they decided to go to breakfast without her.

Around twenty minutes after they had all sat down and started eating the hall doors were swiftly opened again and there stood Fred and George with Cassie, who had a huge smile plastered across her face, on their shoulders .

They marched their way over to the trio and set Cass down and sat down next to Harry. The black haired girl was wearing a slightly tilted, golden tiara on her head that Fred and George had gifted to her. They had found it in the room of requirement and as soon as they saw it, it had made them think of Cassie so they did what any other rational human being would do. They kidnapped her from her bed and dragged her all they way there just to put it on her head.

"Happy birthday Cassie" Hermioine gave her a very neatly wrapped present that made Cassie sequel in excitement. She ripped off the wrapping paper to find a book of Muggle fairy tales.

"Thank you Hermionie this is brilliant!"

"Here you go birthday girl" Ron handed her a soft present that she opened to reveal a shirt with a picture of her most favourite band on it .Queen.

"Omg Ron this is awesome! I love it!"

She immediately put the top on over her tank top and hugged Ron.

"I'm saving mine for later" Harry whispered in her ear when they all went back to eating their food.

Cass was soon interrupted by a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see her big brother smiling down at her with a package in his hand.

"Happy Birthday Cassie, you need to stop getting so old, your making me feel even older" he told her and she giggled.

"I can't make any promises Ced, thank you"

He passed her the present and she quickly ripped off the paper, it was a beautiful silver bracelet with a little pendant on it that said little sister. She clipped it onto her wrist and jumped up from her seat and into Cedric's arms. He wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around just like he had on the train.

"Oh Ceddie, it's beautiful, I'll never take it off as long as I live"

"And I will never take of mine" he pulled up his jumper sleeve to show her another silver bracelet around his wrist, the pendant on it said big brother.

This was enough to make Cassandra Burst into tears and hug Cedric once again. He gave her a kiss on the head and told her he would see her later before walking back over to the huffelpuff table.

When they finished Harry and Cassie accompanied Ron and Hermionie to everyone who was going to Hogsmede were meeting up.

"We'll bring you two loads of sweets back from Honneydukes" Hermionie broke the silence.

"Yeah loads"

"Don't worry about me, I'll see you at the feast. Have a good time"

"Hey don't worry about us guys, go and have fun we will be just fine"

Harry and Cassie quickly said their goodbyes to their friends who sped off after the group while excitedly chatting with bright smiles adorning their faces.

Harry and Cass turned on their heals wandered back into the castle holding each others hands. Cassandra squeezed the older boys and in comfort and leaned her head on his shoulder. They had only just turned the corner when they were stopped by a mans voice calling them.

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