attack and a birthday party

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"There you go"

Ron and Hermione opened their arms and emptied loads of magical sweets into Harry and Cassie's laps.

"Thanks guys, so how was hogsmede?" Harry asked while unwrapping and eating a pepper imp.

"Oh it was amazing, in the post office there were so many owls"

"And honneydukes was awesome had some new kind of toffee theres a but there, look-"

"I'll take that" Cassie leaned over, took the toffee from Harry's pile and ate it. He playfully glared at her.

"Wish we could have brought you back some back butterbeer"

"Anyway what did you guys do?"

"Well first we had tea with my dad and he gave me this" Cassie held up her wolf plush to show Ron and Hermione "but something even better happened....."

Cassie leaned and kissed Harry and when they pulled away they saw a shocked Ron, his jaw was nearly on the floor and Hermione had a huge smile on her face.

"Say hello to Mr and Mrs Potter" Cassie held Harry's and hand and giggled.

Hermione squeeled and looke far Cass.

"You have to tell me everything after the feast"

Cass nodded and the four of them went down to the Great all together. It was decorated with hundreds of candle lit pumpkins, live bats and orange streamers. They saw that Fred and George were going around handing out what seemed like leaflets to every student in the Great hall excpet for the Slytherins.

The twins came over to where Harry, Cassie, Hermione and Ron were sat and gave them each a leaflet.

Tonight you are invited to Cassandra Stewarts fancy dress Halloween/birthday party

                  11:00pm - 5:00am
                     The Great hall

P.s. there will charms put on the room by the amazing party planners Fred and George Weasley so that teachers won't come and won't be able to hear us

Cass looked up from reading her leaflet and gave the twins a huge hug each.

"Thanks so much guys this is going to be the best party ever!"

"Your very welcome little sis"

The feast was great. Even Ron and Hermione who were full with honneydukes sweets were able manage second helpings. When the feast ended the hogwarts goahsts treated them to a show, sir Nicholas even re enacted his own botched beheading.

Everyone left the Great hall but when the group of teens got to the hall leading to the fat ladys portrait was blocked by a crowd of students.

"Why isn't anyone going in?"

"Let me though!" Percy's obnoxious voice echoed through the corridor "what is the hold up here? Excuse me I'm head boy!"

A silence fell over the crowd and a chill spread down the corridor, Percy who had finally reached the front of the crowd suddenly said.

"Somebody get Dumbeldore, quick!"

"What's going on?" Ginny just appeared and Cassie out an arm around her shoulders to comfort the younger girl.

Not a moment later Dumbeldore had arrived and crowd quickly parted to let him through and they could see the front of the crowd.

"Oh my..."

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