That was quite some Patronus

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Neither Cass nor Harry had seen Hermionie an Ron this mad at each other before, sure they had argued here and there but this looked like they might never be friends again which put the other two in difficulty positions. They quickly fell into the same positions as last time though, Cass comforting and standing wit Hermionie and Harry leaning more towards Ron, Cassie believed that Ron was being way too dramatic since all Ron ever did was complain about scabbers but now all of a sudden he loved him, yeah right Ron.

Harry chose his side when he pointed out to Hermionie that all evidence pointed to Ron being right.

"Fucks sake Harry, you've gone an done it now you idiot" His girlfriend told him "you're lucky that your my idiot"

Harry smirked at her, shoving her softly which made her giggle and stick her tongue out in retaliation, this playfulness soon dispersed when Hermionie gave her response.

"Ok, side with Ron, I knew you would!" She yelled out in frustration, Cass rubbed her friend's shoulder which loosened them up but did not stop her rant "first the firebolt and now scabbers, everything is my fault isn't it!"

Over in the corner Ron was whimpering and wailing over the loss of his rat being what you can't really call comforted by his older brothers, their words were but the smiles on their faces and hidden sniggers said otherwise. Cassandra saw this and stormed over after leaving Hermionie to collect herself for a moment.

"Ron just stop being a bloody twat would ya? I literally likes Scabbers more then you did so much so that you have offered him to me on multiple occasions but now that crook shanks is involved you wanna be all mopey about it, grow up Ron"

"Shut up Cassie, my pet just died, god your a real Bitch sometimes"


"Owwww, Cassie!"

The dark haired girl behind him still holding up the book she just used to whack the back of his head, hardcover of course, glaring fiercely down at him and eye brow raised slightly. The twins and Harry stood in shock for a moment, the first one to crack up being George who was quickly followed by Fred and even Harry, the latter hiding his behind a very fake sounding cough. 

"You dare speak to me like that ever again and you will be hit by much more than a book, you are being completely ridiculous and you know it. The cat hairs could easily have been there since before Christmas, there is no body at all anywhere in this common room so it might not even be dead. Either way absolutely none of it is Hermionie's fault, what the hell could she have done-"

"Kept better watch on that bloody cat!" Ron fired back

"what, like how you should keep better watch on your rat? why should your pet be any differently treated than crook shanks" Cassie spat back.

Ron was stumped on that one, he knew that Cassie was right and so did everyone else around them yet his pride was way to big for him to admit that. Cass stood waiting for a response but when all she got back was a roll of the eyes she grasped the front of the boys jumper and forced him to look at her.

"You better buck up your ideas and apologise to Hermionie and stop acting like a spoilt little brat, friends and family are way to important to lose over such stupid things and until you realise that, do not talk to me again"

With that she stormed back over to the table where Hermionie was stood, all four boys watching on with wide eyes and not particularly sure what to do with themselves. Hermionie however had tears running down her cheeks and threw her arms around Cassie when she sat down next to her and Cass returned the emotion.

"Thank you for standing up for me Cassie, no one has done that for me before and no one ever takes my side" Hermionie choked out through her tears

"Of course mionie, you are my best friend, I will always be in your corner no matter what. Actually scratch that your not my best friend, you're my sister"

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