Exam week is upon us

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Gryffindor had won the quidditch Cup and Harry felt like he was on top of the world, his house had gone crazy with their common room party and he was the main event.

That euphoria quickly faded that morning however, he was so lost in his triumph he hadn't noticed Cass was not at the party or even in the tower at all the night so when she approached him the next morning with swollen red eyes, disheveled hair and a quivering lip he was both confused and really worried.

Cass knew she had to she had to tell Harry the news. It was gonna be very hard and she knew that of course but this was Harry. She was not going to bring Malfoy into it at all as it felt like a very private moment for the new cousins and she thought the new friendship with him would just add unessicary anger.

He was furious at first of course, she had pulled him into an empty classroom to tell him and once he heard chairs were thrown and walls were punched which truly frightened Cassandra but she knew how Harry was with his temper. The boy was so shocked and had no idea what to make of it at firts, his Cassie, his beautiful, loving Cassie was realted to that monster, the man who ruined her life.
When he calmed down after processing it all he luckily realised that it was not her fault, she did not choose to be his daughter and couldn't control what he did.

"I'm so sorry Harry" She broke the silence

The boy looked up from the floor to meet her eyes, for a split second he saw the Sirius black in her, she had his eyeys and his hair but looking deeper he could make out the differences, he could see love and life in her eyes, his own softend at that. He pulled her into his arms and stroked her hair, she immediately melted into him.

"I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore" She carried on, shaking with nerves wondering why he wasn't speaking 

At that he pulled her up to face him, one hand cupping her cheek. She was presently surprised to see that the boy didn't have a singular hint of anger or hatred in his face as he looked at her, he was looking at her the same as he always had, as if the news had changed nothing for him.

"Cassie" He eventually sighed out, a small smile lining his face "of course I still want to be with you, this doesn't change anything about how I see you and you will always be my girl. Its shocking of course but I know you and I know that you wouldn't want anything to do with him and that you are absolutely nothing like him okay? I love you"

She couldn't stop the grin that spread across her face and Harry felt so relieved to have seen her happy again.

"Please don't tell anyone Harry, everyone will hate me and look at me differently, excpet Ron and I think mionie already knows you can tell them but I'd rather you do it when I'm not around I don't think I could bare their reactions. I'll tell ceddy and and the twins but that's all, no one else can know. If this spreads around the school everyone will shun me"

"Of course Cass, I'll go talk to them now I promise they will still love you, your like a sister to them. No one will else will know, you can trust me on that don't worry darling"

The two shared one last cuddle and kiss before they split ways to share the news. Harry sat his best friends down in the boys dorm room to tell them, Ron was shocked and angry at first like Harry but his friends were able to calm him and get him to see reason eventually, as Cassie said Hermionie knew from what she had heard Lupin say, she was just happy to know Cassie was back after seeing her run away at the quidditch match.

At the same time Cassie collected the twins and Cedric to get the news out in one go and to her surprise they went straight to comforting her with not one ounce of anger or disgust, Credic had even asked his head of house if he could skip classes that day to be with Cassie in hers saying she had serious family issues and the teacher had allowed it after seeing the state the girl was in.

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