going back to hogwarts

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Bruised. Battered. Broken

A girl around the age of 13 lay in a pool of her own blood chained up in a cold and dark basement on the bottom floor of Mrs Harshaw's home for juvenile girls. Her knotted,black hair was a mess on the top of her head but she still had a smile on her face and a twinkle in her one blue and one green eyes. This girl's name was Cassandra Nova Stewart and she was a witch. Today was the day that she would be going back to school and she couldn't be more excited.

She would be able to see her best friends. Hermionie Granger, Ron Weasley and Cedric Diggory. but most of all.

Harry James Potter.

I wish he was more than that

She thought to herself, a small, sad smile on her face. Harry and her had instantly connected when they met for the first time on the Hogwarts express, they had been joined at the hip since then.

unfortunately  for her, the horrid sound of  footsteps pounding down the stairs towards her was getting louder and louder. She shuffled herself into the corner and put her arms over her face, after being in this dump for her entire life she knew exactly what was going to happen and was bracing herself for the pain. The door to the basement slammed open and there, in the doorway stood, a middle aged women with her box dyed hair up in a messy bun and makeup carelessly smeared all over her ugly face stormed over to her.

This woman was the infamous Mrs Harshaw

she  wearing a shirt, skimpy dress and matching black stilettos . As always she had a cigarette in between her fingers in her left and and the right tightly clutching a bottle of wine. Her face adorned its usual scowl as she looked down at the small girl.

She menacingly walked over to the thirteen year old and unlocked her chains, confusing Cassie for a moment but she had no time to think about it a she was roughly dragged up her by her hair, face to face with the evil carer . She stared down at her intimidatingly, a sickly sweet smile making its way onto her face, revealing her rotting, yellow teeth, blew smoke into Cassie's face and and put the cigarette out on her face.

"The day has finally come to send you away again. Thank god I deserve a long break after having to deal with you all summer"

Cassie stayed silent and looked down, her cheek was burning like mad but she didn't want to let the woman know that she was hurt but she did not dare to look the evil woman in the eyes. Mrs Harshaw roughly grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the basement, her cold feet quietly padded up the cobble stairs as her former frown morphed into a smirk.

thank god, she was going back to Hogwarts and didn't have to come back here for a while.

They finally made it upstairs where all the other 'normal' children were, Cass was the only child in the orphanage that had magical abilities and they all despised her for it, but Cassie didn't care because she had many friends at school that loved her and that was good enough for her. They laughed and pointed at her as she was dragged passed them and Cassie gave them each the meanest scowl she could muster.

They reached the front steps of the orphanage and Mrs Harshaw threw Cassie on to the street.

"You know the rules, you better be back for all the holidays!"

She grabbed a small old looking bag from the front desk and threw it at Cassie who easily caught it while standing up and brushing the dirt from her clothes. Mrs Harshaw gave her one last scowl and slammed the the large metal door shoot.

"Good riddance bitch!"Cassie shouted at the doors.

She soon regained the smile on her face and set off down the street towards kings cross station. Most kids hate the end of summer and going back to school, but not Cassie she loved her school. She attended Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and she absolutely adored it. It was her home.

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