caught in Hogsmeade

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That Saturday morning the girls and the boys sat separately at the table for breakfast, Cassie and Hermionie both knew that Harry was going to hogsmeade just by the cheeky look on Ron's face. Luckily for Cass she had convinced her father to sign her form after a looooot of convincing.

Harry took his time getting up from the table and walking back up the marble staircase as is if he were staying but they of course were smarter than that and new he had something planned, also Ron's not so discreet wink and smile made it obvious they had a plan.

"We better get going Hermionie, everyone is leaving"

"You're right, we need to keep an eye on Ron because they are up to something"

"Of course they are but even if they weren't I think we should go around with Ron, he'll be alone and in a place that he loves so we might be able to try and make peace with us"

Hermionie scowled down at her plate in thought, the girls were still angry at Ron but knew they missed their friendship with the boy.


The girls stood up from the table and walked over to the front doors where everyone was leaving for the carriages, quickly they found Ron and the three decided on a truce for the day because Ron wanted to admit it even less but he missed them too and knew they'd have more fun there together.

The first shop they went to was Honeydukes, Cassie was dying for some chocolate frogs and promised her Papa that she'd pick him up some chocolate in return for signing her form.

It wasn't long before Ron was tapped on the back and when the three turned around there Harry was in all his invisible glory.

"It's me" He whispered to them

"What kept you" Ron asked with a smile

"Snape was hanging around" He sighed, the girls rolled there eyes wondering how Harry always found some sort of trouble even doing the simplest tasks

After looking around a little more and making some purchases the four set off down the High Street. Wandering around knowing Harry was there but not being able to see him was quite strange and Ron checked he was still there multiple times which made the girls giggle.

The four laughed and joked together like nothing had happened over the past couple weeks and all felt great, they showed Harry around all of the shops that he stared at in awe. The girls couldn't even be mad anymore hearing Harry's excited rambles about how amazing each place was.

For once in Britain the weather was actually nice and they decided that they didn't want to be sat inside so they climbed up a slope near by to visit the streaking shack which was known as one of the most haunted places in the entire country. It was on its own hill further away from the village and even in the bright daylight the sight of the disheveled shack with boarded windows and an overgrown garden still unsettled them.

Cassie headed the sound of footsteps behind them and whispered to Harry to keep his cloak on seeing that he was just starting to slip it off.

Just moments later Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle approached in their typical V formation, the main was quick to catch sight of Ron first causing his straight face to twist into a malevolent grin.

"What are you doing Weasley?"

He look past the ginger boys shoulder seeing the shack.

"Suppose youd love to live there eh? Dreaming about having your own bedroom? I heard your family all sleep in one room"

Harry grabbed the back on Ron's robes to make sure he didn't lunge at Malfoy.

"Your extremes are sad Malfoy, sure the siblings share rooms but that just means they are close and love eachother, don't got to take it out on them just because your family doesn't even love eachother" Cassie told him, glaring down at the boy

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