teenage drama

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Eventually the boys returned from their chat with Hagrid looking happy which angered Cassie a little but she still hoped that Hargid talked some sense into them.

The boys took a look at the notice bored that a couple other students were gathered around, the girls had already read it and were sat at a table together doing homework that Hermionie had begged Cassie to do with her till she finally complied.

"Hogsmeade, next weekend! What do you reckon?" Ron cheered to Harry and Cass rolled her eyes at him, it seemed every little thing the ginger boy did just annoyed her recently.

"Well Filch hasn't done anything about the passage into honeydukes" Harry numbered under his breath but the girls were close enough to hear and surprisingly Hermionie was the one to speak out.

"Harry!" She chided, moving around a large stack of books so that the boy could actually see her "if you go into Hogsmeade again.....I'll tell professor McGonagall about the map"

"Can you hear someone talking?" Ron growled out, side eyeing Hermionie.

"Piss off Ron, was she talking to you?" Cass scowled at him and his confidence backed down being replaced by his face turning slightly pink.

"Ron how could you let him go with you?" Hermionie carried on "after what Sirius Black nearly did to you! I'll tell-"

With that Ron quickly shook off his embarrassment and jumped right up out of his seat to chide Hermionie.

"So now your trying to get Harry expelled!?" He yelled "haven't you done enough damage this year?"

To match him Cass also jumped up out of her seat and slammed her hands on the table infront of her, her face going red with fury.

"Oh my god Ron did literally anyone say anything about getting expelled?! All Hermionie is trying to do is keep you two safe, even after all the shit you've put her through she still cares about your safety and all you can do is throw that in her face! Are you mentally deficient?"

"Just shut up Cass, your supposed to be Harry and my best friends and you are being such a bitch!"

Everyone fell silent, including all the other students in the common room, Cass was absolutely flaming with fury now and Ron's eyes widened with fear after he finished shouting but couldn't bring himself to speak.

"Since I am actually a GOOD friend" Cassie started after taking a couple deep breathes "I'm gonna leave right now before I beat the absolute shit out of your dumbass, I'm going to the huppelfuff common room to talk to Cedric so you better fucking hope you don't see him in the corridors"

With that Cassie gathered all her things in her bag and stormed out of the room leaving Ron stood in the middle of the room looking like an absolute melt. It took a moment but eventually all the other students went back to what they were doing, Hermionie collected herself and glared at Ron before grabbing Crookshanks and walking away to the girls dorm.

Harry felt guilt settle in his stomach as he looked down at his lap, Seeing Cassie so frustrated and upset hurt him and he knew he should have defended her just then but he couldn't bring himself to go against his best friend, he decided that he would give Cassie time to calm down with Cedric but when she came back tonight he would talk to her and apologise so for now he just went back to chatting with Ron about hogsmeade.

Cassie was stomping down the corridor, ignoring everyone and pushing people out of her way. Even her dad Lupin past her and he didn't even try and speaking to hear after seeing the look on her face, when you have a teenager you just know better.

She quickly reached the huffelpuff common room and luckily there was a group of students outside that she knew and they played the tune and let her in with them. Cedric was just sitting on the brown couch, minding his own business with a dragon book in his hands and as soon as students walked through the entrance he looked up and immediately picked out the short, raven haired girl.

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