a bond that wont be broken

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thatharrypottergirl1 this update is for you 😁

Crystal balls were on every table of the divination classroom which caused the core four to let out matching sighs.

"Thought we weren't starting crystal balls till next term" Ron muttered.

"What? you don't wanna be a fortune teller? I thought you did with those phony sirius black stories that changed every time you told someone"

"Fuck off Cass"

They split of into pairs, thr girls and the boys and sitting down at their respective tables. Seeing as this was the only class Hermionie didn't care for she hadn't got out any of her equipment except for a quill and ink to draw little pictures on Cassies hand as the latter told her to draw stars since she was one.

"Good day to you all" Trawlenys creepy voice called out from the shadows, the only students reacting being Pavarti and Lavander who were quivering with excitement.

"I have decided to introduce the crystal ball a little earlier than planed" their professor explained "the fates have informed me that your examination in June will concern the orb"

"Well you would know cuz you set them don't you" Cass mumbled in a sarcastic voice, she then spoke up to say "I don't need any practice for that, watch this"

The mischievous girl then proceed to to pick up the crystal ball and roll it over her fingers onto the back of her hand, then transfered to her other hand and did the same. She was able to roll it between her hands as if she were the gobling king from one of her favourite films.

"I've brought you a gift" She said in a seductive voice to Hermionie who snickered at her.

"Black, you and your partner evidently do not possess the sight, hand me the ball" Trawleny said as she approached them, her whimsical aurora now turning deadpan as she took away the crystal ball.

"Now, crystal gazing is a particularly refined art" She said, swiftly moving back on "I do not expect any of you to see when you first peer into the orb"

As she rambled on about the inner eye Ron, Harry and Cass were doing everything in their power to control their laughter, everytime one caught another's eye they had to cover their mouths with their hands to hold it in.

"See anything yet?" Harry asked the group as their professor finished her ramble, the class had now just been left to stare into the crystal ball and clear their minds.

"Well considering mine was taken, no mate I dont"

Harry just rolled his eyes and turned to Ron.

"Yeah, there is a burn on the table"

Just as useless, he thought

Tralawney came sauntering over to the boys table, clearly not being able to hold on any longer over making a dramatic statement about Harry.

"Would any one like my help to interprit the shadows within?" She questioned, very clearly looking down at Harry.

"Nah we don't need help" Ron said, turning to her and she sighed "it's obvious what this means, it's gonna be foggy tonight"

Ron's sarcastic delivery set off everyone in the class, some even wiping tears and holding their stomachs. Of course the only people who did not even crack a smile were power couple Patil and Brown that glared at him.

"You are disturbing the clairvoyant vibrations!" Trawleny huffed like a toddler having a tantrum "there is something here how can you not see!"

She had now leaned over Harry's shoulder to look deep into the crystal ball. The messy haired boy was ready to bet all his money and even his firebolt on this something being a bad omen and sure enough.....

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