professor Lupin

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Cass woke up to someone shouting her name.


She opened her eyes and it took a minute for her vision to clear but when it did she noticed that she was laying on the floor in the hallway so she slowly sat up and rested her back against the wall and rubbed her eyes.

There was a man kneeling In front of her, it was the one from Harry's compartment. He had sandy brown hair and deep blue eyes that stared at her as if they recognised her. She noticed the scars on his face but didn't stare at them because she knew that she wouldn't like it if someone stared at the scars on her face. He looked concerned as his eyes scanned her up and down.

"Are you alright Cassandra?" He eventually asked her.

"Er yeah....I think so" She still, wondering hoe he knew her name, maybe one of the trio told him, yeah that's probably it.

He stood up an offered her his hand which she took. He helped her up and she brushed herself off.

"So, if you don't mind....could you explain what the fuck just happened?"

"Hey watch your language we might not be at Hogwarts yet but I can still take away house points" He said in a mock, stern voice.

"Well technically you can't because I've never met you before so you don't know what House I'm in and I don't like to wear my jumper or tie" she told him with a smirk on her face.

It was true,she never really wore her jumper or tie, She thought they made her look to prim and proper which was not her style. She was wearing a white button up shirt with the top two buttons undone and was tucked into a black skirt that she had rolled up to make shorter, some black boots with heels on(that she wore all the time because Harry bought them for her) and finally her signature leather jacket that had the viper logo on it and lastly hidden under her shirt was her locket which said 'you are our moon and stars' on the inside.

"Ah yes but when we get there I can just look at what table your sitting at in the great hall then take the points away"

She tried to think of a come back for a moment but her mind went blank and she just smiled at the new teacher.

"I guess you got me there"

He laughed at her response.

"Well to answer your first question you were just attacked by a dementor, they were on the train searching for Sirius Black"

Her smile faulted and the sparkle left her eyes, a shiver running down her spine. Not many things scared Cassandra Nova Stewart but she would consider a person who was not scared of a mass murder that had broken out Azkaban prison to find them and their best friend a fool. Lupin noticed the sudden change in the girl demeanour and quickly changed the subject, not wanting to upset her.

"We should probably get back to the compartment, your friends must worried about you"

she smiled once again, but it was clear to him that it was fake.

"Oh yeah let's go then" she stuttered.

As they walked back to the compartment they passed the trolley lady and smiled at her as they passed. 

"hey, Maria" Cassie said to the nice, old women.

"hello dear, I was wondering where you were, here you are darling" The older lady gave the girl two chocolate frogs then carried on walking down the isle. Lupin looked at her with wide eyes and she just laughed at him.

"Back in my first year when she past my compartment, I asked her for her name and she told me that I was the first student that had ever cared to ask her and we just carried on chatting, she found out that i'm broke and never have any money so every time I see her on the train she gives me two free chocolate frogs, she is a lovely lady really people should talk to her more.

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