Christmas morning

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On Christmas morning Cass was woken by Hermionie slamming pillows on her. She groaned and held up her hands trying to catch the pillows, over the night she and Hermionie made up as the bushy haired girl had spent almost half an hour apologising to her and Cassie loved her too much to stay angry with her.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!"

"Great now we can go down stairs and open up all of our presents with the boys"

Cassie sighed and rubbed her hands over her face, she really did not want to speak to Harry but she knew she would have to have to at some point. Hermionie had already left the room to let her get ready in peace and to go and talk to Harry and Ron.

"Guys, Cass is awake and she will be coming down soon" she said, walking over and sitting in front of the fire with them.

They both nodded, they had spoken about what happened last night and decided that she was right and that they should apologise, it was also her first Christmas with them and they wanted it to be special for her.

Up in the dorm Cassie was dressed in black ripped Jeans and Cedric's quidditch Jersey. She had decided to leave her hair down and just brush it while putting on some light makeup.

After stalling as much as she could Cause eventually went down the stairs   and into the common room. As soon as her feet hit the last step she was barricaded by Harry and Ron standing in her way.

"What do you guys want?" She asked, folding her arms over her chest.

"Look, we really are sorry Cass your right and we shouldn't have kept that from you, please forgive us, we will never hide anything from you again, and if not just at least spend Christmas with us" Harry said.

Cass looked into his emerald green eyes, the ones that every time she looked in she felt butterflies in tummy and she always just got lost in. She could never stay mad at him, she needed him just as much as he needed her.

"Fine! Just stop giving me those eyes"

Harry smiled and they tightly hugged each other, she also hugged Ron and the three of them made their way over to the Christmas tree that had a much of presents underneath it. They all grabbed the neatly wrapped, lumpy presents, that had matching wrapping paper.

They all knew that they were Weasley jumpers and they put them on as soon as they opened them. As always, Ron's jumper was Maroon with a white R in the middle, Hermionie's was purple with a black H in the middle, Harry's jumper was an emerald green with a gold H and Cassie's jumper was dark blue with a silver C.

Cassie got a jumper every year from Mrs Weasley even though she had never met the woman, Ron or the twins always saved it for her so that she could have it when she came back, it was one of the things she looked forward to most every year.

Other than that, Cass received a book on magical creatures from Hermionie, a hoodie from Ron that she always stole from him, Fred gave her rose flower crown, George had given her a couple of trick sweets that they had made, a skateboard from Cedric which she was very excited about and finally another scrunchie from Harry but this one was different because when it was in her hair, it would make her hair change colour depending on how she was feeling.

"Thank you guys, I love my presents!" Cass squeezed as she hugged each one of her best friends. The three of them smiled fondly at her, they were so happy to see how happy and excited she was. The truly hated it when she had to leave for the holidays and when she came back she would would always be in a terrible state and it broke their hearts.

Cassie got up form her spot on the floor and looked under the Christmas tree and spotted two more presents, one was a large box and the other was a long, thin package. She dragged them out in front of the fire so that the others could see them, they all crowded around to see who they for.

"This one says it's for Harry" Ron said, while holding up the long, thin package.

"And this one has Cassie's name on it" Hermione said, picking the large box and handing it to the girl.

Harry decided to let Cassie go first and open her present. Ron and Hermionie sat on the couch while Harry sat on the armchair and pulled Cass into his lap. She rested her head on his chest and he kissed the crown of her head, encouraging her to open it.

"There is no note on it or anything" She said and Hermionie seemed to tense up.

Cass tore the paper away and was now holding a black, velvet box. She slowly lifted the lid and was in awe of the absolutely stunning head band that was inside. She picked it up as if it was a very antique artifact so that the others could see and they all gasped at it.

 She picked it up as if it was a very antique artifact so that the others could see and they all gasped at it

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Harry removes his arm from around her wait and took the head piece form her hands and placed it on her head.

"It looks beautiful on you darling" He told her and blush rose to her cheeks.

Cass looked back into the box and noticed a crumbled, old looking note. She picked it up and read the scribble that was supposed to be handwriting.

This family heirloom has been passed down to the first born female child in the family for centuries, it is rightfully the time that it will now be passed down to you, take very good care of it.


Cass was very confused as she did not recognize the handwriting and she couldn't think of anyone that would be able to get a hold of something such as this other than Remus as he was her family. But it couldn't possibly be from him.

Hermionie had started a conversation with Ron so neither of them were paying attention to Harry and Cassie which he took advantage off. He leaned forward and Cass shivered at the feeling of his breath on her neck and smirked. He started with soft kisses down her neck and along her collar bone and she closed her eyes, just enjoying it. He then started to leave one or two love bites on her neck with the intention of letting people know that she was a taken women.

"Alright pretty boy, you better stop before those two notice"

He stopped and frowned at her, sticking out his bottom lip. She giggled at him and gave him a small kiss, he tried to deepen it but she pulled away before he could.

"We can do this later but for know you have a present to open"

She got up form her seat in Harry lap and picked up the long and thin package, catching Hermionie and Ron's attention, she walked back over to him and he pulled her back to the sat by her hips. Cass layed the present on her lap and Harry moved his hands around and in front of her so he could open it.

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