late night dementor talk

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Everyone already knew that Wood was quidditch mad, right? well now that Slytherin had just narrowly beaten Ravenclaw his eagerness to win this year only grew. Unfortunately for Harry and everyone else on the quidditch team they now had to train five times a week in hoped that bespectacled teen was absolutely drained. However, Cass kept telling him that at least he wasn't in Hermionie's position, the poor girl was exhausted and strained every time she saw her including now.

In the common room where she was sat with Harry and Ron, She looked on with worry for her bushy haired friend who was surrounded by books, parchments and quills. She was sat with the boys as she did not want to disturb her friend who had pretty much snapped at everyone else who did.

"How is she doing it?"

"What are you complaining about now Ron? Hermionie hasn't done anything" Cass sighed at the red head, why couldn't he just shut up and chill for once.

"How is she getting to all her classes, she's never missed any classes yet loads of them are on at the same time, it makes no sense"

"I'll tell you what makes no sense carrot top, how you preach about annoyed you are and how your so done with Hermionie yet you still obsess about every little thing she does, am I wrong babe?" She turned to her boyfriend who only agreed with her rather reluctantly.

"I don't obsess over her!"

Ron seemed adamant but the pink tinge crossing his freckled cheeks only proved otherwise to the teen couple who were sat on the floor, legs tangled together and trying to finish their respective potions essays. For a moment they drifted into comfortable silence but alas, it just had to be interrupted again by Oliver wood who had a grave look on his face.

"Afraid I've got some bad news Harry, I was just chatting with McGonagall about you broom and she was not impressed with my priorities. She thinks that i care more about winning the cup than your safety-"

"Which you do" Cass muttered to herself.

"-just because I said that I didn't care if it threw you off. You would think i had said something terrible by the way she was yelling at me"

The three off them just stared up in disbelief at the older boy, how could someone be so selfish and dense, they would never know. Cass had to restrain herself from standing up to the boy and punching some sense into his face.

"Just get lost and snog your broom would you" She said "As you can see, we have work to do"

A month had since passed and Harry still hadn't gotten his broom back and with the next match drawing ever closer, he was on edge. This was only made worse by his struggle to form a corporal patronus in Lupin's lessons where he was now, getting even more agitated with himself as his girlfriend tried to console him.

"You should know by now that this is not an easy task Harry, for some wizards this takes years to prefect, you can't expect yourself to nail it so quickly"

"She is right Harry" Lupin agreed "You expect too much of yourself, you have made significant progress in these lessons, you are not even passing out anymore are you? If a dementor appeared at the next match you would be able to hold it for long enough to get back on your feet"

"You said it's harder if there is a lot of them"

"Well, Cassandra and I have complete confidence in you" The black haired girl would never understand why her Papa felt the need to use her full name all the time, it embarrassed her greatly but she would never tell him that "Now I think you have both earned a drink, you won't have tried this before but I'm sure you will like it"

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