fighting boggart dementors

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"So you know how to conjure I Cass?" Harry excitedly asked hid girlfriend.

"Not exactly, it requires a happy memory and so far every time I have tried any of my memories haven't been......Happy enough" she mumbeled the last part and both Harry and Remus' heart went out the girl, she doesn't have enough happy memories?

"But anyway let's not get all soppy and sad, tell us about the spell please"

"Of course darling, now, as Cassandra said the incantation can only work if you complete focus and concentrate on one lone yet very happy memory"

Harry and Cassie both began to wrack their brains for their happiest memories and grasped eachothers hands for moral support (Remus decided to let his one slide) Harry's first thought was definitely not anything to do with the Dursleys so he decided to go with the first time he rode a broomstick.

"Right, I think I've got it"

"Perfect, Cassie?"

Cass knew that it had to be a memory from her time inside hogwarts because her time in the orphanage was not even close to happy. Eventually, she decided on the first Christmas she ever had, it was in her first year.

"I have one"

"Wonderful" Remus smiled "the inaction is expecto patronum"

"Expecto patronum" The two of them whispered to themselves while concentrating wet hard on the respective memories, eventually their held their wands up and gradually raised their voices till out came a small silvery whisp.

"Did you see that?!" Harry said excitedly and Cassie smiled lovingly at how happy her boyfriend was.

"Very good children, now, are you ready to try it with the boggart?"

"Yes" Harry replied immediately but the raven haired girl was still hesitant about the boggart. Remus could see his daughters discomfort and decided that Harry should go first, placing a hand on her shoulder and pulling her close to him.

"You stand here with me darling and we will let Harry go first okay?"

"Thanks dad" she said, lacing her delicate fingers into his own calloused ones which put them both at ease.

Harry moved to the center of the room and tried to block at all the nerves and negative thoughts he was having so that he could focus solely on his memory, he did not want to listen to his mother's screams any longer but a small part of him just longed to hear her voice.

Remus grasped the lid of the chest once Harry got into a stance and held his wand to the air and lifted it, setting the boggart lose abd causing Cassie's grip on his other hand to tughten slightly.

The dementor was quick to take shape and float ominously above Harry, the candles surrounding them started to flicker and a coldness settled around the room as if there were a true dementor in the room.

"Expecto patronum!" Harry shouted and when nothing happened he should it again and again, getting slower and more breathless each time.

Cass felt her heart jump right up into her throat as she watched Harry's eyes flutter and his legs start to shake, she rushed over to him, ignoring the boggart and was able to catch him as he fell into unconchiousness.

"Harry! Harry, wake up!" She stuttered, shaking he boy slightly and his eyes were quick to open again. Remus light all the candles with a flick of his wand and walked over to the children to help Cass stand the boy up.

"I'm sorry" Harry muttered and Cass slipped her hand into his hair and comfortingky ran her fingers through it which calmed him down.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Cass, don't worry"

Lupin pulled a chocolate frog out of his cardigan picket and handed it over to Harry "eat this beofre trying again, I in no way expected you to get it on your first try, I would have been astounded if you had"

Thay helped Harry feel better as he unrapped the frog and began eating it, he moved over to stand infornt of the chest again to turn thr boggart into a dementor again once lupin had unleaded it and quickly moved to the sides as the older man casted a spell to keep it into this form.

"Focus all your energy into your memory sweetheart" He told Cass as she moved in front of the boggart and held her wand up into the air.

She clearly pictured all her friends say around the tree during her first year, all were wearing weasley jumpers that had brought a tear to Cassie's eye when she had opened it, the sound of their little giggles and laughter danced through her ears as she emersed herself in the memory and let her mind forget her surroundings.

"Merry Christmas Cassie, what do you think?" A then 13 year old George had asked her 11 year old self

"This is the best holiday ever, I'm gonna celebrate it every year from now on, thanks guys"

A smile crept onto her lips as she opened her eyes and lifted her wand into the air.

"Expecto patronum" strong silver whispered shot from her wand but they were not strong enough to fully defeat the demetor sp she tried again, not letting the sound of her dad's distraught cries that began to creep in distract her form her memory.

"Exoecto patronum!" She said with much more force and her sliver whispered began to take the form of something else, the light was almost blinding, Harry and Lupin watched on in awe as a large, beautiful dragon emerged and flew straight for the dementor, seding it tumbling back into the chest and Remus heaved the lid back on top of it.

"My goodness, that was absolutely spectacular!" He had almost yelled as his daughter stumbled backwards in fatigue but Harry was quick to steady her and pull her in for a tight hug.

"Cassie that was brilliant, I'm so proud of you, I knew that you would be able to do it!" Harry gushed to her and she pulled away slightly.

"Thanks Harry" she said, blushing

Once she stable again, Harry walked back over to where he was and started racking his brains for a stronger memory that he could use. Cass gravitated back over to her dad who pulled her into his side tightly and kissed her on the forehead.

"Well done cub, that was beautiful"

"Thank you dad"

"Did you know that that was one the most rare patronus a wizard or witch could have? You amaze me more everyday with how much of a smart and powerful with you have become, I'm immensely proud of you and I'm sure your father would be too"

Cassie blinked away some tears and hugged her dad properly, that last sentence ment very much to her even though she new nothing of her father. She decided to ask questions about him and just enjoy this moment.

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