The dementors

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Cassie and her friends couldn't go anywhere for the next few days without hearing the name Sirius Black. It was taking a toll on her mind, it was all she could think about.

Why was he after her?

Why was he after her Harry?

What if he did find them? Would he hurt them? Would her torture them?

Would he kill them?

She didn't want to admit it but she was absolutely terrified. She was mad at herself for letting him get to her. She was a gryffindor after all, aren't they supposed to be brave? Well she didn't feel like a gryffindor

No Cass, She would tell herself, Stop being such a wimp and get over it or people will see the real you. The scared little girl that can't stand up for herself.

She had taken all her feelings out on herself, during her nightly visits to the astronomy tower she would cut herself once or twice more or make the cuts deeper. Due to this her apperance had changed as well, her skin was paler, she had bags under her eyes and she was too nervous to ever take her leather jacket off. Even when she was sleeping she would always wear one of Harry's hoodies.

Harry, Ron and Hermione noticed the change in their best friends attitude and appearance, they were worried about her but knew better than to just ask her about it. She either wouldn't tell them or get annoyed at them for asking. Harry was starting to think about telling professor Lupin to see if he could do anything about it.

They had just finished a herbology lesson and were met with an annoyed Seamus Finnigan at the portrait of Sir caddigon who had replaced the fat lady much to everyone but Cassie's dismay.

"He's barking mad! Can't we get anyone else?"

"No one else would take the job" Percy told him "He was the only one brave enough to volunteer"

And just to add to all the bad things going on recently teachers kept finding excuses to walk next to Harry and Cassie in the corridors, even Percy was tailing them. No doubt his mother's orders.

The next day the weather was absolutely terrible and kept that way through the next few days. The gryffindor quidditch team had found out that they were no longer playing Slytherin in the upcoming match and were in fact playing huffelpuff. This news had caused Oliver to go crazy with the training sessions.

Right now Harry was late to his defence against the dark arts class because of that fact. He skidded to a halt outside the door after running the entire way there and burst through the door.

"Sorry I'm late, professor Lupin, I-"

But when Harry looked up at the front of the room he did not see professor Lupin. It was Snape.

"This lesson began ten minutes ago potter so I will take ten points from your house. Sit down"

"At least let him explain" Cass grumbled

"Quiet Miss. Stewart that's another five points"

"Where is Professor Lupin?" Harry asked, still standing

"He is feeling to ill to teach" Snape said with a smirk causing Cassie to glare at him "I believe I told you to sit down?"

Harry didn't move.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing life threatening" Snape growled as if he wished it were "Five more points form gryffindor now sit down or it will be fifty"

Harry slumped into the empty seat next to Cassie that she had saved for him.

"As I was saying before Potter interrupted Lupin has left no note of what you have covered so far"

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