the marauders map

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Harry's mood had been a lot better recently due to the promise of anti dementor lessons and Ravenclaw had beaten Huffelpuff in the last quidditch match.

Near the end of the term the weather had gotten a lot better and everyone was excited for you Christmas. Everyone was talking about their plans for the holidays, Ron, Harry and Hermione were all staying at Hogwarts this year and we're trying to convince Cassie to do the same.

"Come on guys please just stop asking you know just as well as I do that I'm not allowed to stay"

"But you just can't go back there Cass!"

"Harry I don't have a choice, I know you want me to stay and trust me I did too but I can't"

"But-" Ron tried but Cass cut him off

"No! The answer is not going to change no matter how much you want it to so just shut the fuck up about about it!"

She went over and sat in the floor next to the fire and just stared into it. She really did want to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas but one, she had to go back to the orphanage per Mrs Harshaw's orders and two, she had to check up on her gang and see how Spencer was handling being leader.

To everyone's delight expect for Harry's there was another hogsmede trip on the last weekend of term.

"We can do our Christmas shopping there" Hermione said happily "mum and dad would love those tooth flossing string mints from honneydukes"

On the day of the hogsmede trip Harry and Cassie walked with Ron and Hermione to the grounds and said goodbye and they walked back into the castle which was now very quiet.

"Psst - Harry, Cassie"

They turned around to see Fred and George stood behind the one eyed witch statue.

"What are you doing" Cass asked as they walked towards them.

"We've come to give you a bit of festive cheer before we go, come in here"

They went inside an empty classroom next to the statue and Harry and Cassie followed him in. They looked through the doorway and checked to see if anyone was there then closed the door and turned to the two teens with big smiles on their faces.

"Early Christmas present for you guys"

Fred pulled something from the inside of his cloak and placed it on the desk in front of them. It was a large, rectangular, very worn price of parchment with nothing written on it.
Harry and Cassie braced themselves for one of the twins pranks but nothing happened.

"The fuck is this?"

"This, Cassie is the secret to our success"

"It's a wrench giving it to you but we decided that your needs are greater than ours"

"We know it off by heart anyways"

"And what do we need with a bit of old parchment"

"A bit of old parchment!" Said Fred looking as though Harry had greatly insulted him "explain George"

"Well, when we were in our first year - young, carefree and innocent..."

Harry snorted and Cass gave them a look. The both seriously doubted that the twins had ever been innocent.

"Well more innocent than we are now.....we got into a spot of bother with filch"

"We set off s dung bomb in the corridor -"

"So he hauls us off to his office and started threatening us with the usual -"

" -dention- "

" -disembowlement- "

"And we couldn't help but notice a drawer marked confiscated and highly dangerous"

"Don't tell me -"

"Come on Harry how could you not go looking through that draw" Cass defended them.

"George caused a diversion and I grabbed this" he gestured to the map.

"Do you even know how to work it?"

"Of course we do"

George took his wand out of his robes and pointed it at the blank piece of parchment.

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good"

Harry and Cassie looked down at the parchment to see strings of ink appearing and connecting to form a map. Words began to appear at the top.

Messers moony Wormtail Padfoot and Prongs

Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief Makers

Are proud to present


This map showed them, in great detail, everywhere in hogwarts. The map even showed passageways they had never seen before and most of them lead -

"Straight into honneydukes"

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