A fight between friends

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Defence against the dark arts had now become almost every students favourite lesson and professor Lupin had quickly become most students favourite teacher at Hogwarts, especially the gryffindoor The only ones who had anything to complain about were the Slytherins.

"Look at his clothes, my house elf dress better than that" Malfoy had said one day when Lupin had walked past and Cassie wasn't having any of it. She had been ignoring the snide comments being made by the bleach blonde boy but now he had pushed her over the edge. Cassie whipped around, stopping him in his tracks, without any hesitation she snatched a fist full of his robes and pushed him against the cobblestone wall.

"Hey! you listen to me Malfoy and you listen good. I have just about had enough of you thinking your better than everyone else and treating others horribly because they were not given the same privileges that bratty people like you are. You better sort yourself out and start treating other people like trash because you may think that your slytherin prince or whatever you have got your mindless goons to call you but do you know what you are to me?!"

Malfoy's eyes were wide with fear, he could not muster up enough courage to say anything to the short tempered girl in front of him. 

"I asked you a question!"


"To me, your the scum beneath my foot.......to me you mean absolutely nothing."

Every single student had stopped in their tracks to watch the encounter, most with complete shock written all over their faces, Cassie's friends had the biggest smirks on their faces, even Hermionie and Cedric. The blood rose to Malfoy's cheeks and he nodded at her before wiggling his way out of the younger girls grip and speeding off down the corridor. The students watched him leave before bursting into applause, Cassie just bowed to them before walking off down the corridor to her next lesson, her friends quickly ran after her.

Later on that day Harry and Cassie returned to the common room after a very tiring quidditch practice' the captain Oliver Wood was in his seventh year and about the graduate so he was working the team the hardest he had ever worked them so that he could finally win the quidditch cup. As soon as the pair walked through the door, hand in hand, the noticed squealing and very excited students  rushing around all over the place. They made his way over to where Ron and Hermionie were and sat in front of the fire place. Harry took the last arm chair while Cass just laid herself across his lap, her head on his chest.

"What's going on?" Harry asked for the both of them.

"It's the first Hogsmede weekend. On Halloween"

Harry frowned and slumped down in his chair, he really wished that he could go  to the little village outside the Hogwarts grounds but he wasn't able to get his slip singed. Harry decided to tune out when Ron and Hermionie started talking about which shops they should go to first, he had subconsciously started playing with Cassie's curls, which he did quite often. It was calming for them both.

"I'm sure you'll be able to go next time" Hermionie tried "They are bound to catch black soon"

That didn't lift Harry's spirits.

"And anyway if you did go you would leave me all by myself. So if your staying it will be just us. Alone."

This did lift Harry's spirits. 

"You two should ask McGonagall if you can come black won't try anything with us around"

Cass scowled at Ron. She loved the ginger haired boy, she really did but it really did get on her nerves how stupid he was sometimes. Couldn't he tell that she wanted to spend time with Harry. Hermionie also scowled at Ron, thankfully she had understood what Cass was trying to say.

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