how could they?

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Once Cassie had made sure her Papa was okay, she left him in his private quarters to have some time for himself and made her way back to the great hall where he friends were waiting for her.

She quickly ran over the them with a bright smile adorning her features while shouting.

"Guess what! Guess what!"

Confused by her sudden change in mood, they stood firm their seats and jogged over to her.

"What is it Cassie?" Harry asked her, sharing confused glances with the rest of them.

"Papa said he is letting me live with him, I never have to go back to the orphanage again!"

The four of then soon joined Cass in smiling and Hermionie even cheered. They couldn't believe it, those were the words they had been waiting for since they met the girl. Cedric held out his arms and Cassie leaped into them, he began twirling her around and the two of them laughed.

"Oh sweetheart this is the best news ever! I am so happy for you!"

Harry, Ron and Hermionie had joined their hug, they had never been more elated. Cassie suddenly pulled away and grabbed her brothers arm.

"Oh gosh, Cedric I had forgotten, the train leaves in like twenty minutes, look around everyone is gone"

The huffelpuff eyes widened as he scanned the room and indeed noticed that the great hall was empty except for the five of them. He quickly grabbed his trunks and shoved the last of his toast into his mouth.

"Goodbye Cassie, I better get a letter from you on Christmas"

"You will, I promise"

With one last hug, Cedric rushed out of the great hall to the train platform. Cassie turned back to her three best friends, unable to stop smiling.

"Come on guys, let's get back to the common room and spend the holidays together!"

Harry took her hand in his and the four of then set off to the griffindor common room, once they got there Harry slumped into an armchair, pulling his girlfriend with them. Snow had started to fall outside and crookshanks was layed out in front of the fire.

"You really don't look well you know" Hermione said to Harry after a moment of silence.

"I'm fine"

"Harry, listen, you must be upset about what we heard yesterday but you mustn't go going anything stupid"

Cassie looked at Hermione confused, what was she talking about? Did something happen after Cedric took her back to the castle?

"Like what?" Harry asked bitterly.

"Like trying to go after black? You won't Harry, will you?"

"Because black is not worth dying for"

Cassie slowly clambered off Harry's lap and onto the floor, noticing his angry he was becoming. Harry showered over at his two best friends, his anger causing him to forget that his girlfriend was in the room.

"Do you know what I see and hear every time a dementor gets too near me?" Ron and Hermione shook their heads seeming nervous " I can hear my mum screaming and pleading with Voldemort not to kill me and who I now know is Cassandra, just about to be killed. If you heard something like that you would not soon forget it. And if you found out that someone who was supposed to be friends with your father, supposed to be a godfather betrayed you and sent Voldemort after you-"

"There is nothing you can do!" Hermionie cut him off "the dementors will catch black and he will go back to Azkaban!"

"You heard what fudge said, black isn't affected by Azkaban like normal people"

"So what are you saying" Ron spoke up "you wanna kill Black or something?"

When Harry did not answer Hermionie and Ron sighed, knowing that they were not going to be able to talk any sense into their friend.

"So.....were you ever going to tell me any of this"

All heads snapped towards Cassie, she was now stood facing them, a lone tear falling down her angered face. Harry's rage slipped away from him only to be replaced by guilt, they three of them had forgotten that she was in the room.

"This isn't all about you Harry, this affects me too you know and I deserve to know what is going on, and even more now thay according to you, I was there that Halloween night and Voldemort also tried to kill me!" She screamed, the three of them made no move at all, unsure of what their friend was going to do.

"Did you think that I didn't deserve to know any of this, but you do, you just planned on keeping this all to yourself and leave me out of it, to keep me in the dark while you guys go out and find Sirius Black and become the heros, is that what it is?!"

"Of course not Cass" Ron began " we were just trying to protect you-"


"AT LEAST YOU HAVE PARENTS!" Harry yelled, getting a little annoyed with his girlfriend.

"Oh are we really going to go there, yes Harry, I know that your parents were murdered and that is absolutely awful and I truly am sorry that it happened to you, but my parents, oh, my parents, I didnt even know if my parents were alive until a could weeks ago! I didnt know anything about them, even now I still only know one of them, at least you grew up knowing that you had good parents, AT LEAST YOU GREW UP KNOWING THAT YOUR PARENTS LOVED YOU!"

None of them knew what to say, they knew that she was right and that they shouldn't have kept this from her. Having had enough of all this, Cassie stormed out of the common room, ignoring Hermionie as she called her name.

Cassie ran out of the the castle and toward the quidditch pitch, she took out her broom and a waffle from the broom closet and walked out to the middle of the pitch. She flew up into the air and began aggressively taking shots at the hoops, zooming down to catch the ball when she got it through, which was evrry time.

Once she had calmed down a little and ker off enough steam, she slowly floated down to the ground where she saw a large, shaggy looking black dog, staring at her.

She sat down on the grass and motioned for the dog to come towards her and when it did, she stared running her fingers through it's hair.

"You're a pretty cool dog" she said after a while, the dog looked up at her and licked her face.

"Aww, gross" she said while laughing and wiping her face with her sleeve " I don't know if this is bad for dogs, but you want some whiskey?"

She opened up her satchel, that she brought with her everywhere she went and pulled out an unopened bottle of whiskey. Sirius was shocked at the sight of his underage daughter carrying a bottle of whiskey around.

She opened the bottle and took a swig, winking at the dog in the process as it stared at her.

"Alright, if you would prefer it, I have a chicken sandwich that you can have"

At this the dog waged its tail happily at the thought of some food, he hadn't eaten in white a while. Cassie reached into her bag once again and pulled out a clunky sandwich, placing it on the ground in front of the dog.

She looked down at her watch, noticing that it was almost curfew, she stood up and and brushed the grass of her skirt.

"Well, I better get off, Dont want to be late for my trip to the astronomy tower, I missed last night's which unfortunately will have some consequences but hey, what can you do"

She ruffled the dogs fur one last time before rushing back towards the castle, not looking back once which was lucky because as soon as she left the pitch, Srirus transformed into his human form and watched her walk into the castle, silently crying.

"I'm so sorry, my Cassandra, so sorry" He whispered.

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