funny little knight

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The next morning when Harry, Cassie, Ron and Hermione went down to the Great hall for breakfast. The first thing they saw when they entered was none other than Draco Malfoy surrounded by a group of Slytherins. They tried to walk past but he and Pasny Parkinson decided to treat them with impressions of Harry and Cassie fainting.

"Ignored them"Hermione whispered to Harry and Cass"there not worth it'

Cassie descritely grabbed a butter knife from the table on their side and slowly walked over to them.

"What are you looking at gryffindork?"Pansy sneered at her.

Cassie smiled sweetly at her before pulling the knife from behind her back and stepping forward while pointing it at them.

They both screamed and fell of the bench onto the floor. Harry, Cassie, Ron and Hermione all laughed at them and sat down at the gryffindor table with the Weasley twins.

"Here, we got your time tables" George said passing them each their time tables "That was brilliant by the way Cassie"

"Yeah, well done baby sis. He is such a git" Fred agreed "He wasn't so cocky last night when the dementors were on the train. Came running into out compartment didn't he George?"

"Nearly wet himself"

"I wasn't to happy myself, they are horrible things those dementors......."

"Kinda freeze you on the inside don't they?"

"You didn't pass out though did you" Harry grumbled. Hermione changed the subject though as she was looking at her time table.

"Oh good, we are starting new subjects today"

"Hermione" Ron said snatching it out of her hands "They messed up your time table look - you have around 10 lessons everyday, there's not enough time for that"

"It's fine, I've fixed it with professor McGonagall"

"But look at it! 9 O'clock Divination, 9 O'clock Muggle studies and 9 O'clock arithmancy, you can't be in three classes at once!"

"Don't be silly obviously I won't be in three classes at once"

"Then -"

"Pass the marmalade"

"But -"

"Oh my god Ron shut the fuck up" Cassie said looking up from her toast " I love you and all but will you just be quiet for once, it's nothing to do with you and Hermione isn't worried about it so leave her alone"

"Thank you Cassie"

Ron didn't mention Hermione's time table again after that and they went back to talking about their summers.

"We better get going, it'll take us ten minutes to get to divination"

The four of them say goodbye to Fred and George and left the Great hall but not without another imitation of Harry and Cassie fainting from Draco and Pansy.

They were wandering around the castle for a really long time. Even though they had been here for two years but the had never been to the north tower before.

"There has to be down sort of short cut somewhere" Ron moaned as they got to the top of a staircase and appeared on an unfamiliar landing where there was just one lone painting.

Harry looked at the painting and saw a fat, grey pony appear and following it was a short, squat knight and by the look of the grass stains on his knees he had just fallen off it.

He noticed Harry, Cassie, Ron and Hermione and yelled at them.

"What villains are these that trespass upon my private lands? Draw your knaves you dogs!"

The knight pulled out a sword and swung it at them and the force of the swing caused him to fall flat on his face which made Cass laugh.

"Are you alright? Harry asked him.

"Get back you rogue!"

"Listen we are looking for the North Tower, do you know how to get there?" Harry tried again.

"A quest!" The Knights face lit up and he clambered to his feet "come follow me dear friends and we shall find out goal, or else we will perish trying"

He tried to get on the pony, but failed.

"On foot then, good Sirs and gentle ladys, onwards!"

"I have a new favourite portrait" Cassie whispered to Harry as they hurried after the little knight who had run out of the left side of his frame.

"Be of stout heart, the worst is yet to come!"

"We will be prepared Sir!" Cassie shouted back.

He led them to a spiraling staircase which they climbed and heard voices from above them and knew they had reached the classroom.

"Farewell!" The knight cried as he popped into another portrait near them.

"Thank you great Sir may I ask your name?" Cassie asked him.

"Certainly fair maiden, my name is Sir Cadogan"

"Sir cadogan the most noble knight of them all"Cass put a hand over her heart as she spoke.

The knight smiled at her as he disappeared form view.

"You're just as mental as he is Cassie" Ron said.

As they reached the top of the stair case they saw most of their class already assembled. Ron nudged Harry and pointed to the ceiling.

"Sybill Trelawney, Divination teacher" Harry read off a brass plaque that was attached to a circular trap door.

"How are we supposed to get up there?"

Perfectly timed the trap door opened and a silver ladder landed at Harry's feet and everyone was silent. Harry stared at the ladder in disbelief.

"Well if no one's going, I'll go first" Cassie begun to climb the ladder with Harry not far behind her. They emerged in a very wired looking classroom, it looked an old tea shop and someone's attic. There were circular tables littered around the classroom with either arm chairs or pouffes around them.

The rest of the class soon climbed the ladder and entered the classroom all talking in hushed voices.

A soft, misty voice coming from the shadows silenced them though.

"Welcome, How nice to see you, in the physical world at last"

Professor Trelawney went into the light and they saw that she was thin, she had large circular glasses that magnified her eyes, many chains and beads hung her neck and her writs and fingers were covered with bangles and rings.

"Sit, my children, sit"

All the students took a seat. Harry, Cassie, Ron and Hermione all sat around the same table.

"So you have chosen to study divination, the most difficult of all magical arts. I must warn you that if you do not posses the sight, there is very little that I will be able to teach you -"

Cassie didn't hear any more than that as she leaned her head against Harry's shoulder and fell asleep.

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