christmas dinner

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Cass had ditched her skateboard outside the gryffindor common room and was pelting full down the corridor, laughing loudly as her dad chased after, he was gaining on her.

"Is the best you can do, you really are an old man!" She shouted as she turned her head back to face him.

"You're really in for it now Cassandra Nova!"

Her eyes widened and she turned back around quickly. Remus started laughing but luckily for her the next corner they turned lead them straight into the great hall. Everyone had looked up from their meals to see a red faced, black haired girl running straight for the table and a laughing professor not far behind her.

"Aunt Minnie, help me!" Cass squealed and professor Mcgonagall got up from her seat just fast enough to catch the girl.

At the sight of Mcgonagall's stern face Lupin skidded to a holt and straightened up, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Mr Lupin, chasing after students are we?" She asked and the children smirked at Lupin since he looked like a student getting scolded by a teacher.

"No proffesor" He said

"Then, can tell me why his lovely young girl here is red in the face and out of breath?" She asked him her lips twitching up into a smile.

Remus didnt have an answer for that he just stayed silent. Dumbeldore let out a slight chuckle, even Snape was smirking. It was extremely small but it was there.

"Well then, I want 100 lines on my desk by Monday Mr Lupin stating, I will not my daughter around the school, I hope you know that I am only doing this to get back you for everything you did to me in your youth"

"Yes Professor" he smiled at her and she sat back down at the table next to Dumbledoor and Trelawney.

Cassie looked up at her dad and he put an arm around her, pulling into his side and rifling her hair. She huffed and tried to bat his hand away which made him chuckle.

"You are going to be handle, aren't you?"

"You know it dad"

She walked down the sit in the seat that Harry saved her, as soon as she had sat down his fingers were laced with hers, Remus sat down across from them and they dug into the their meals.1a

"Now that everyone is here" Dumbeldore addressed the table "as there are so few of us it seems foolish to use the house tables, Craker?" He said addressing Snape at the end.

Snape rolled his eyes beofre, very enthusiastically, pulling one one end of the craker. There was a loud bang and Cass flinched and Harry gave her a kiss on the cheek with a reassuring smile.

The craker burst open and a large hat with a ugly looking stuffed bird ontop dropped onto the table, the children all caught eachothers eyes and started to snicker at the memory of Nevvioes boggart. Cass shot her father a look and he winked at her.

Snape slowly pushed that hat towards london, sending a not so subtle glare to the defence against the dark arts professor who pretended not to notice. Dumbeldore was almost eager to switch the witches with his own.

"So dear professor Lupin, just before I came down for the feast I had been crystal gasing and I have seen that you will not be with us for very much longer"

Lupin checked on his drink and coughed violently.

Cassandra's eyes had widened considerably and her knife and fork had clattered onto her plate.

"I doubt that professor Lupin is in any immediate danger, I am sure that you received the potion the Severus has brewed for you, did you not Remus?"

"Yes I did Professor"

"Good" Dumbeldore said before turning towards a first year boy in hopes of changing the subject "Derek, have you tried any of these chipolatas?"

Cassie turned to Ron and offered him the end of her craker and he pulled it with a smile, out burst a top hat and a gold, chain bracelet. She pushed the chain towards her friend who took it with a dropped jaw, she took the hat for herself and placed it on her head.

She turned back to face her boyfriend.

"How do I look" she said while holding her hand out and winking.

"Positively smashing my darling" He said in a fake posh accent and holding and imaginary monocle and she giggle and hugged him.

In the next two hours as the plates were empty and almost everyone had some type of strange hat. Harry and Ron were the first to stand up and were met with a very loud gasp from professor Trelawney.

"My dears! Which of you rose from the table first? Which?"

"Dunno" Ron turned to Harry who just shrugged.

"I doubt it will make much difference" Mcgonagall chimed in a cold tone "unless a mad axe man is waiting outside the doors to slaughter the first person to walk through"

"Are you coming, baby? Hermione?" Harry asked.

"No, I need to talk to professor Mcgonagall about somethings" Hermionie said with a tight lipped smile.

"I join you later, my dad wants to talk to me about something and I promised that I would"

He leaned down and gave a kiss but it didnt last long as the glasses wearing boy got sent a stern looking form his girlfriends father. He quickly smiled at him and he and Ron scurried out the great hall.

"Come on then Cassie, were better get going back up to my office"

"Alright, I'll see you in bit Herm"

She got up from her seat and grabbed her dads hand, bidding goodbye to the rest of the professors they left the great hall.

"Well that was quite entertaining wasn't it darling?" Lupin said once they were out of earshot.

"Oh my god it was great, I can't Mcgonagall is making you write lines"

"And your punishment for calling me old and making me chase you is that you will be writing them for me"

"Aww damn"

He laughed at her and she let her frown turn into smile and started swinging their hands as they walked. Since they were not running this time it took them a little longer to the Dada classroom.

Lupin opened and they both walked in, going into his private quarters and sitting at the table. The both of them felt the calm and fun atmosphere quickly into a serious one.

"Now Cass before I say anything I want you to know that bo matter what happens I will always love you, okay"

"Okay?...................Oh god where is this going dad"

He sighed and clasped his hands on top of the table.

"Do you remember when you were in the hospital wing after you were attacked by the dementors?" She nodded "Well, when madame Pomfery checked you over she had to take of your jacket"

At that Cassie's whole body stiffened and she quickly shifted her eyes down to her lap. This cant be happening  she thought to herself, this was one of her deepest and darkest secrets. It seemed that this year all her worst secrets were being revealed and she was not at all happy about it. She started to fidget with her bracelet that Cedric had given to her and Remus look down at her with a heartbroken look on his face and he felt terrible for bringing this up but he knew that he needed to talk to her about this.

"Dad, I-" She started to stumble on her words, not knowing what to say.

"Cass it's alright, I am not going to tell you off, I just want to talk to you about it like adults"

"Okay, this might take a while"

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