He broke in again?

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That night there was of course a party in the griffindor common room, kids were dancing, drinking and laughing all over the place, it was a mess really bit a fun mess. The only people who didn't really join in were Hermionie who stuck to studying at one of the tables and Cass who wouldn't just leave her friend for some party. She was also trying to  hold herself back from rugby tackling Ron everytime he made some off hand comment about scabbers.

The party was soon shut down when in walked the head of house in her iconic dressing gown and hair net that Cassie sneakily took a picture of using Collin Creevey's camera.

Cass took Hermionie's hand after a while of convincing her to put all her books and parchment away to get some sleep. They walked up up stairs to the common room together and got changed into their pjs, Hermionies being a matching blue silk set and Cassies a black band t-shirt and plaid shorts.

"Thank you Cassie"

"What for Mionie?" The girl asked, stopping brushing her hair to listen.

"For taking me with you to the match and letting me have fun with you, its probably the first time I've actually relaxed and had fun this whole year"

Cass put her brush down and smiled at the bushy haired girl.

"Well, you need to chill out mionie, we are third years, our work is important yes but not at a point where we need to stress, you can take days off and just have fun and your grades won't suffer, Okay?"


"Good, now, I have a record player" she said now addressing all the girls in the form as well as Hermionie "one of the older girls let me have it cuz she got a new one and was going to throw this one away, she gave me a couple records to so, who wants to jam out to some music?"

All of the girls cheered and had big smiles on their faces, sure the girls in the room didn't always get on and annoyed eachother sometimes but they loved these nights where they all just let lose and had fun together cuz it was like nothing else in the world mattered anymore.

Cass set the player up and put and ABBA Record down onto it and was just about to put the needle on but something interrupted her and sent shivers down all their spines.


They all froze for a moment, looking at eachother very worriedly before grabbing their slippers and rushing down the stairs, back into the common room to figure out what on earth had happened.

Many other students had done the same and tiered murmers where dancing around the room.

"Who shouted?"

"Whats going on?"

The common room was now full of students again, some of the older students, including Hermionie and Cassie tried to comfort the first years who seemed scared.

"Are you sure you weren't dreaming Ron?"

Of course it was bloody Ron

"I'm telling you, I saw him!"

Cassie rolled her eyes and continued to usher the first years back up the stairs and to bed as they all looked like they were about to fall asleep on the spot.

"Whats all the noise?'

"Excelent are we carrying on?" Fred cheered but was very quickly shut down by his prissy older brother.

"Everyone back upstairs!"

"Perce, Sirius Black! In our dorm! With a knife! Woke me up!"

'This kid is actually mental' Cassie thought, however she still froze from nerves like every other student in the room.

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