anti dementor lessons

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Lessons unfortunately started up again the next day, much to the three friends disappointment and Hermionie's enjoyment which made Cass think she was crazy.

Right now, it was the end of another defence against the dark arts lesson and Harry had dragged Cassie up to her fathers desk and barley gave the man a chance to look up as he eagrly asked about the anti dementor lessons.

"Ah yes" Luoin said, chuckling as his daughter slapped Harry upside the head for being rude "how about eight o clock on Thursday evening?"

The two happily nodded, excited to start learning how to defending themselves against the dreaded dementors.

"We won't be able to use a real dementor, of course, give a while to think about this"

"Okay, thank you Papa"

Cass reached up and pulled her dad in for a hug which he gladly accepted, he always cherished these moments with his daughter as he waited years to be able to hold his daughter in his arms again and he always, Cassie similarly always hugged and showed her love to her Father as growing up all she dreamed of was having her parents with her and loving her.

Remus pulled away and sent Harry and Cass on their way but not before giving Harry a warning look with an arched eyebrow at the sight of him grasping his daughters hand. The young boy gulped nervously and spun on his hell to rush out if the room where Ron was waiting for them.

"Still looks ill doesn't he? Ouch cass!"

She looked at him with a playful scowl, she thought he would have been smart enough to not speak bad of her dad but, he was Ronald Weasly after all.

The three spun around when they heard an annoyed tut from behind and were met with a struggling Hermionie trying to put her many books in bag.

"Here 'Mionie, put some of them in my bag, we share most of the same classes anyway"

The bushy haired girl let out a relived sigh and smiled at her best friend greatfully. She handed her a stack of books and Cass slipped them in her bah so there was now enough room for hermionies bag to close properly.

"What are you tutting at us for?" Ron said rather rudlely.

This boy Cass thought as she rolled her eyes at him.


"Yes you were, I said wonder whats wrong with lupin-" He carried on

"Oh Ron just leave her be, no need to start an argument over Nothing is there?" The raven haired girl told her friend while crossing her arms.

"Well isn't it obvious?" Hermionie retored to cassies displeasure, however it did peak her intest a little, he was just a little under the weather.

"If you don't want to tell us, dont"

"Fine" she snapped leaving her friend curious but she let it slip form her mind.


"Okay I gotta go or I'm gonna late for my dementor lesson"

It was now thrusday and cass and Cerdric had been hanging out in the kitchens for most of the afternoon eating ice cream together and just chatting, something that they did quite often and looked forward to.

"Your leaving your big brother all on his Lonesome? Oh the betrayal" Cedric said, dramatically leaning back and dropping his arm across his forehead with the metal spoon still dangling in his fingers.

Cassie giggled which caused cedrics smile to brighten and join in with her laughter. She lightly shoved him and he ruffled her hair.

"I know brother, I sincerely apologise , I know you'll be dying without me here"

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