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Cassie woke up in her bed in the gryffindor common room. Confused she looked around and saw a note on her bed side table.

My Cassandra Nova Stewart

You fell asleep in divination and when the lesson ended we couldn't get you to wake up so I carried you up to your dorm. I knew that you wouldn't care about missing lessons so I thought it was the best thing to do.

Your Harry James Potter

Cassie smiled at the note, she loved how sweet Harry was and he was right about her not caring about missing lesson, she slipped class on a regular basis but it didn't matter to her because even missed class she still managed to pass her exams with flying colours.

She looked at her alarm clock and saw that it was 10:45 which gave her 15 minutes to get to the defense against the dark arts class, she was actually exited about this class as it was her favourite subject.

She got up out of her bed, put her leather jacker back on and set off for the DADA classroom. On the way she met up with the trio and walked the rest of way with them.

"Thanks for taking me to bed Harry"

"No problem Cass"

He laced their fingers together and carried on walking.

Professor Lupin wasn't there when they entered the classroom. They all say down and took out their books, quills and parchment except for Cassie who just her put her feet up on the desk. Lupin smiled as he entered the classroom.

"Good afternoon"he addressed them"please put all your books away you will only need your wands for this lesson"

"Oh I like this guy"Cass whispered to Harry who nodded. The class put their things away.

"Right them,if you will follow me"

The class got to their feet and followed Lupin, he lead them down a deserted corridor and around a corner where peeves was stuffing chewing gum into a key hole and when he saw Lupin he broke into song.

"Loony, loopy lupin. Loony, loopy lupin"

The class looked at lupin waiting to see what his reaction would be.

"I'd take that gum out of the key hole if I were you peeves Mr filch won't be able to get to his brooms"

"That is the point and thanks for the gum my mini marauder that was good deal"

Lupin's eyes widened and he looked back at the class to see who peeves was talking to and wasn't too surprised when he saw who answered.

"Not a problem peeves I'm glad to see my gum in good use"

Peeves floated over and gave her a first bump then went back to stuffing the key hole. All the other students were staring at Cassie in shock, peeves was never friendly with the students. Lupin sighed and took out his wand.

"This is a useful little spell"He told the class"please watch closely"

He pointed his wand at peeves.


Moving like a bullet the gun shot out of key hole and straight down nose and he zoomed away cursing. The class errupted into laughter.

"Shall we proceed?"

They carried on walking and stopped right outside of the staff room door. The class filed into the room which was empty except for one teacher. Sour grape Snape. Lupin went to close the door but Snape held up a hand.

"Leave it open Lupin, I'd rather not witness this"

He stood and walked to the door with his robes billowing behind him as he went. At the doorway he turned on his heel and was about speak but Cass cut him off.

"Before you say anything professor, no one cares about your opinion so just keep it to yourself"

He sneered at the girl.

"Ten points from gryffindor I will not spoken to like that"

He spun around and she flipped off his retreating figure. She turned her attention back to professor Lupin who was stood next a tall wardrobe the would occasionally rattle.

"Nothing to worry about"Lupin reassured them"there's just a boggart in there"

Most of students still seemed scared of wardrobe.

"Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces, this boggart moved in yesterday afternoon and I asked the headmaster to use it for my lesson"

"So, the first question we must ask is what is a boggart?"

Hermione immediately raised her hand and answered.

"It's a shape shifter it can transform into whatever we are scared of most"

"Couldn't have put it better myself"

Hermione beamed with pride.

"The charm that repels a boggart is simple but what really finished a boggart off is laughter, we will practice the charm without wands first. After me, riddikulus"

"Riddikulus" The class repeated.

"Very good now Neville could you come to the front for a moment"

Neville went bright red but stepped towards Lupin.

"Firstly Neville what is your biggest fear?"

Neville mumbled in audible.

"Sorry didn't catch that"

"Professor Snape"

"Ah yes professor Snape he frightens all"

"Now Neville I believe you live your grandmother?"

"Yeah but I don't want it to turn into her either"

The class laughed.

"No you misunderstand me, could you tell us what clothes your grandmother usually wears?"

"Well....always the same hat. A tall one with a stuffed vulture on top, a long, green dress.......and sometimes a fox fur scarf"

"And a handbag?"

"A big red one"

Lupin nodded and walked over to the wardrobe.

"Picture those clothes in your mind Neville"

He flicked his wand and the door open cracked open and out walked professor Snape who menacingly walked over to Neville.

"You can do it Neville"Lupin encouraged"remember riddikulus"


Suddenly Snape stumbled back and was wearing the clothes that Neville had described for the class earlier and everyone burst into laughter.

As the class went the boggart flew around stopped in front of various different people turning into a snake. A banshee. A hand. A mermaid. A spider and more. Cass was having a great time until the boggart stopped  in front of her.

It took a moment but the boggart turned into Mrs. Hanshaw and she loomed over the girl and began shouting.

"You little freak, what is wrong with you!"

The boggart slapped her across the face.

"Everyone hates you, no body wants you around not even your own parents wanted you!"

"I wish you would die then I wouldn't have to deal with you anymore!"

That was enough for Harry who pushed Cassie behind him and shouted the spell before the boggart could even change.

Cass couldn't believe that had just happened. She was so embarrassed. The whole class was staring at her and she couldn't take it anymore. She ran out of the classroom ignoring the people calling her name.

Lupin immediately sprung into action he dismissed the class and chasses the girl shouting her but she was surprisingly fast.

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