presents sntached

725 32 16

That was probably, other than the last emotional conversation Cass had with her dad, the hardest thing she ever had to do. What was it with him and forcing her to talk about feelings and mushy heart felt stuff.

Not only did she have to tell him about her visits to the astronomy tower but he also made her talk about her smoking and drinking habits. Unfortunately for her he ended up confiscating the  cigarettes and drinks which she did not like at all, and she definitely put up a fight but she eventually gave in since she could see that he was hurting and that he needed her to do this.

She promised him that she would never do these things again but it was an obvious lie that she was quite surprised he didn't see past it, or he mostly likely did and just didn't want to push her.

Right now they were sat in his living quarters and he was reading her a wizarding book from his youth after he found out he had never read it beofre. They had both decided that after such a tense and difficult conversation to just calm themselves down and chill out.

There was also the fact that she didn't get a choice in the matter since he hasn't let go of her since everytime she went to get up he just says 'nope' and pulls her back down so looked like she was staying for the time being, but she was not complaining.

"Dad, can we read a muggle book this time, I have one in my bag"

"Oh sure, I doubt I'll know it but what is it called?" He said closing he book we had just finished and setting it down on the table.

"An inspector calls, its a play really but the script is in a book"


He finally let her up from the couch and she pulled the book out from the bag she had earlier thrown on the floor and slowly strolled back over to the couch. He pulled her back to sitting sideways into his lap and handed him the book.

"What is it about then?"

"I can't tell you, it will spoil the play, I really think you will enjoy it as well, just know its not exactly a nice, happy kind of story"

"Oh okay"

*after the book cuz I ain't writing all that, good play though, I recommend*

"So what do you think about the inspector dad?"

"Well he was able to walk, sit and I'm pretty sure he was not see through so he can't be a ghost"

"Well, that's not true, in the muggle world ghost are a superstition and most people don't belive in them since no ones ever seen one, so some people have different ideas of what they look like and can do and all that"

"Ah yes, I have spent so much more time in the wozarding world and gotten used to it all I had forgotten all about that, my mother was a muggle?"

"Really? You grew up with muggle things too?"

"Yes but mostly wizarding, I have forgotten most of it"

Cass suddenly felt a warm feeling in her hands which caused her to look down at them and Remus to give her a curious look that she ignored, she knew what this ment and she resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Somethings going on with Harry, he's annoyed"

Remus eyes widened very wide, that one sentence ment nothing to Cass, it was something she said quite often actually but for her father this was big news.

"How do you know?" He pressed.

"Its strange really, but evertime Harry is either angry, or sad, or tierd or whatever I get a feeling, like just know my hands burned up which means he is angry and angry Harry is something that nobody wants"

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