just when you thought it was over

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The walk through the corridors was silent to begin with, Cass could see that her boyfriend was in a rather sulky mood after their interaction with her father so she took his calloused hand into her soft one and squeezed it tightly to comfort him.

They could not shake the uncomfortable feeling from learning about the fate of a dementors kiss, it sounded so horrible and they couldn't imagine how bad it must be if it happened to them. They were so lost in heir bleak thoughts that they didn't notice someone had joined them in the corridor and smashed right their profesor.

"Oh children, do watch where your walking" chastised their head of house.

"Sorry Minnie, fancy seeing you here"

Mcgonogall let a small smirk take over her face before quickly covering it up again 'just like her father's' she thought, it was almost like being taken back in time and seeing a young sirius infornt of her but, she quickly shook off those thoughts and looked back at her students. It was a small smile but Cassie caught it and have a smirk of her own.

"Matter of fact, I was just looking for both of you, I believe these belong to you, we tested for every hex and jinx we could think of but both seem to be in perfect condition, you have a very good friend out there somewhere Potter and Lupin"

She pulled both the Firebolt and Tiara that the two of them had gotten for Christmas from behind her back, Cassie saw a small smile tugging at the coner of the elder womans lips and a glint in her eyes. The kids face lit up and they looked up at their teacher in surprise and glee.

"Yes! Thank you Minnie!" Cass took the tiara from her and placed it right on top of her head while giving her aunt figure a tight hug that was reciprocated quickly.

"We can have them back" Harry gasped "seriously?"

"Seriously Mr Potter, I daresay you will need to get used to it before the match on Saturday, won't you? And do try to win won't you or we will have missed it for the eighth year in a row and Severus was happy to remind me"

Harry gave her a nod and a smile while Cassie stepped back and took her boyfriends hand again, they parted ways with one of their favourite teachers and the kids made their way back up the gryffindor tower. They ran into Neville stood outside looking rather stressed and arguing with Sir Caddigon.

"Hey Nev, what's going on?" Cassie asked walking over and putting an arm around the boys shoulder.

"I can't remember the password, I wrote them all down somewhere but I can't find them"

"A likely tale" Interrupted the portrait of Sir Caddigon and the group groaned "Good evening good sirs and lady, come clap this man in irons he is trying to force entry!"

"Shut up, its 1993 man, this is Nevillie's common room, you can see his griffindor robed can't you? It's your fault for always changing the passwords and confusing him so just stuff your pride and let the poor guy in!"

"Oddsbodikins" Harry quickly said the password before his girlfriend could start a fight with a painting, the portrait reluctantly swung open and the three of them walked inside. As soon as they walked through the portrait Ron came barrelling towards Harry with a huge and Cassie left both them to celebrate with most other people in the common room who had gathered around the broom stick.

She a made B-lime for the table at the back where Hermionie was sat hunched over her work trying her best to avoid looking at the boys. Cassie sat down next the girl and just pulled her into hug, telling that the bushy haired girl needed one.

"Your a good friends Mionie, you know that? You were just looking out for us and making sure we were safe so thank you for that. I'm sure that now Harry has his broom back that those stupid boys will come to their senses and apologise to you"

Hermionie smiled at her friend and they settled into casual chatter till both Harry and Ron approached the table looking awkward as ever.

"I got it back" was the first thing Harry said and Hermionie just nodded at him.

"See, there wasn't anything wrong with it!"

Cassie rolled her eyes "seriously Ron what are you 4?"

He just huffed and crossed his arms while glaring at her, futher proving Cassie's point if you asked her.

"Well, there could have been" Hermione responded "at least now you know for sure that it's safe"

"Yeah I suppose so-

'Men and their god damn pride' Cass thought

- I better put it upstairs" Harry stated but was cut off by and excitable Ron.

"I'll take it!, I've got to give Scabbers his rat tonic"

He carefully took the firebolt off Harry like he was being handed a baby and procced the carry up the stairs and to the droms like it was made out of glass.

"Can I sit down?" Harry asked and Hermionie moved a stack of her work indicating that he could and Harry took a seat.

Harry and Cassie took a moment to really look at how much work Hermionie had in front of her, stacks upon stacks, there was an arithmacy essay that looked drive it had only just been completed and a longer muggle studies essay. The two of them glanced at eachother with concerned glances then turned back to their friend to see her now deep in a Rune translation.

"How are you getting through of this?" Harry asked

"Just hard work and determination" she replied a tierd smile on her face, the two of them noted that she looked just as tierd as Professor Lupin.

"Mionie, don't you think its a little too much? We're just 3rd years. Would it be possible for you to maybe drop some subjectsm" Cassie carefully asked but apparently not softly enough as her friend just started at her like she had slapped her in the face.

"I couldn't do that!"

"Yes you could, I'm sure the professors would understand" Harry tried to help "how about arithmancy? It looks terrible"

"Oh no its wonderul" she replied "it's actually my favorite subject, Its-"

Harry and Cassie were at least plased that they had got her distracted from writing and talking about something she enjoyed but things never ever went well for them and they were cut off by an awful yell echoing down the boys stairs case that caused he whole room to freeze. The scream was soon followed by booming footsteps deciding the stairs and of course it was Ron there, carrying what looked to be bedsheets.

Cass sometimes wondered in moments like these if she had made the wrong desicion in first year and should have picked someone else to be friends with, she knew she was a drama queen but Ron was his own level of over dramatic.

"LOOK!"He screamed, bounding over to their table and screamed again, shoving the sheets in Hermiones face.

"Oh no Ron, don't worry it happens to us all, you need a Tampon? Or if you prefere pads-"


"Damn girls really are mean on their period" she mumbeld to herself.

"SCABBERS!" He shouted, ignoring her and simultaneously creating a huge scene for everyone in the common room to see and enjoy "LOOK, SCABBERS!"

Hermione leaned back into Cassies chest and the girl threw her arms around. The three people at the table just stared up at their friend looking utterly bewildered.

"BLOOD!" Ron yelled breaking the silence that had appeared "HE'S GONE! AND YOU KNOW WHAT WAS ON THE FLOOR?"

"N-no" Hermionie stuttered out and Cass tighter her hold on the girl to try and ease her nerves, Ron could be a real dick sometimes.

Ron slammed something down on top of the Rune translation, like he was and 18 year old slamming down their ID on their birthday to by alcohol. The three of them leaned closer to see several long, ginger cat hairs and then it all came together.

Crookshanks had killed Scabbers.

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