truths revealed

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This chapter has a suicide attempt.

Cassie wasn't thinking she just kept running. She ran all the way out of the castle to the black lake and fell to her knees. She was so angry at herself, what was wrong with her, she couldn't believe that she had just revealed her secret to her whole class. 'They are all gonna gossip about it now' she thought 'especially Lavender, god with her the whole school with probably find out'. She had tried so hard so hard to hide her past and build a strong reputation for herself In that moment she did the only think she could think of to let out her emotions. She screamed. Screamed at the top of her lungs till her throat burned.

Professor Lupin,who had lost sight of Cassie in the many corridors, stood running his hands through his hair, he tried to go trough all the possible places of where she could have run off to in his head. However any sound was quickly cut off by a shrill, ear piercing scream that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and his blood run cold. With no hesitation he set off running towards to sound as fast as he could.

Outside Cass rose onto her shaky feet and looked out across the black lake with tears streaming down her face. She had spent three years trying as hard as he could to hide her secret from everybody and it was all ruined in one hour, what was she supposed to do know? every one is going to treat her differently now, she didn't want that. She did not want that at all. Mrs Harshaw's words loudly echoed through her mind causing her to put her hands on her ears trying to stop the sound of her voice.

Everyone hates you

Nobody loves you not even your own parents

I wish you would just die

Everyone was talking about her right know, she just knew it. The looks of sympathy on everyone's faces  flashed through her mind and she couldn't take it. It made her feel weak. She was so angry with herself for just letting that evil witch treat her like that, she didn't do anything about it because she was weak, vulnerable and scared everything she tried her hardest all her life to not be.

She didn't want to live her life known as the broken girl that gets abused, the girl who can't stand up for herself, the girl covered in scars some self inflicted some not, she didn't want to live her life as the girl she really was away from school.

Cassie focused her attention back on the huge lake in front of her, she had heard the rumours of how deep it was and if anyone went in they would never come back out. She thought about how calm and peaceful it was, she wanted that.  Cassandra didn't even think and just let her body lead her into the water. She wasn't thinking about anything else. She just wanted to stop having to deal with all the problems in her life. She just wanted to be at peace.

Professor Lupin ran out onto the Hogwarts ground frantically searching for the small, black haired girl he had been searching for and when he spotted her, his heart stopped beating and he swore he felt everything else in the world stop. Cassandra Stewart was waist deep in the black lake and slowly going deeper.

Without a second thought he sprinted into the cold waters after the small girl. He managed to catch up to her just as she had fully gone under and passed out. He tightly gripped her arms and pulled her above the freezing waters and into his arms. He turned back around, taking the girl the shore and sitting down down on the grass. Professor Lupin carefully put Cassie down on her back and began pushing down on her chest.

"Cassandra, darling wake up, breathe for me Cass!"

Eventually her eyes sprung open and began to cough up water violently. Professor Lupin sat her upright and rubbed her back, breathing a sigh of relief. When she came to her senses and realised that her suicide attempt had failed a surge of anger and sadness overtook her body.

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