sneaking out

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"We've used it loads of times and as you two might have noticed, the entrance is right outside this room, through that one-eyed old crone's hump" Fred explained to the two awestruck teens and George sighed.

"Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, we owe them so much"

"Noble men working tirelessly to help a new generation of law breakers" His twin brother Fred agreed.

"Right" George said, snapping back into reality "don't forget to wipe it clean after you've used it"

"Or anyone can read it" Fred cut in warningly "Just tap it and say Mischief managed and it will go blank

"So young Harry and baby Cassie, mind you behave yourself"

Cassie sighed and rolled her eyes, ever since her first year when they had decided to unofficially adopted her into their family, quite like the Diggory's (Cassandra was a little closer them than the Weasleys, not that she would tell them that of course) they called her baby or baby sis because they knew that it annoyed her.   

"See you in Honeydukes" George said, winking, he kissed Cassie's head and Fred ruffled her hair before leaving the room with satisfied smirks on their faces. The young couple just stood for a moment, admiring their new gift. Harry seemed to stop for a moment as if contemplating something, Cass noticed a small look of discomfort on his face.

"What's the matter Harry, aren't you excited?"

"Do you remember what Mr Weasley said to Ginny back when we saved her from the chamber of secrets?"

realisation flooded through her and she could hear Mr Weasley's voice in her head 'Never trust anything that can think for itself, if you can't see where it keeps it's brain'  

"Oh come on babe, we are only using it to get into Hogsmeade, it's not like we are going to steal or attack someone and Fred and George have been using it forever and nothing bad has happened to them"

He still looked apprehensive so she walked right in front of him and lifted up his chin with her finger, Harry stared into her multicoloured eyes and watched as they glistened in the sunlight that was coming through the window. His eyes flicked to her soft pink lips causing her to smirk and pull him closer to her face by the front of his hoodie, they were so close that the tips of their noses grazed against another. She bit her lip, sending shivers down her boyfriends spine and placed her lips on his, he immediately kissed back, lifting his hand up and slowly running it through her jet ,black hair. They both smiled into the kiss, thoroughly enjoying this quiet moment together.

they pulled away to catch their breath and she layed her head on his shoulder, sighing deeply and taking in his scent, she noted that he smelled smoke 'probably from being around me all the time'  she thought to herself.

"Can we go into Hogsmeade now" She whined causing Harry to chuckle.

"Alright, lets go"

He picked the map up again, that he had dropped earlier having been distracted, and traced the secret passage way with his finger, once figured out where they needed to go he folded the map up and placed it in his pocket, grabbing Cassandra's hand in the process. The two of them rushed out of the classroom. Keeping an eye out, they snuck down the corridor and slipped behind the statue of the one eyed witch.

Harry pulled the map out again and noticed that two new little ink dots had appeared where they were stood Harry Potter and Cassandra Lupin. He took his wand out and tapped the statue with his wand and whispered a spell that Cassie had never heard before.

"How did you know to do that?"

"The map told me"

They watched as the statue's hump opened up wide enough to let a fairly thin person through, Cassie checked behind them to make sure that no one was in the corridor. Harry put the map away again and snaked his hands on Cassie's waist, he lifted her up and put her in the opening. He frowned when he noticed how light she was and decided that he was going to keep an eye on her during dinners.

As soon as Harry let go of her she starting sliding what felt like a stone slide and then harshly landed on a cold, damp floor, She got up and dusted herself off but didn't stay up for too long as Harry came sliding down and knocked her down, landing on top of her.

"You know, I don't think we are ever gonna get to Hogsmeade" Cass said, smiling up at him. He stopped to contemplate for a moment causing his girlfriend to giggle. He leaned down and pecked her nose before getting back up and helping her up. They looked around the space that they were in, it was extremely dark, almost pitch black. Harry held his wand out in front of him.

"Lumos" He muttered.

They saw that they were in a very narrow and low passageway, as their location began to sink in Cassandra's breathing started to pick up and become uneven. Harry heard the change in her breathing and turned to face her.

"Cassie, are you alright?"

The young girl had begun to sweat and he saw her makeup rubbing of creating two dark lines under her grey and green eyes which were darting around the room, Tears had started to gather in them but she was desperate not to let them out.

"I get. Out" She told him.

"Okay, okay grab my hand, come on Cass"

He reached out and grabbed het trembling hand, squeezing it tightly and pulling her towards him, holding her close. He knew that his girlfriend was on the brink of having a full on panic attack and wanted to get her out of here as fats as he could. She hadn't had one in a very long time but she used to have some a couple times a month when she was eleven. With the help of Hermionie and a couple teachers they had figured out what to do in these situations, he pulled her close so that her head was on his chest.

"Don't think about anything else, just think about my heartbeat and my breathing, try and match yours to mine babe"

It took her a couple seconds to try it but she was soon able to get her breathing back to normal and her heart rate to slow down.

"Come on then, lets get you out of here quickly and lets go and find Ron and Hermionie, I can get you some chocolate from Honeydukes"

With Harry still holding her close the two of them hurried off down the twisted passageway, stumbling a couple times on the uneven floor.

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