face to face with a muderer

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"Guys, you won't believe what that crazy woman just told me-" Cassie said, barging into the common room but was quickly cut off by a very somber looking Ron

"Buckbeak lost, Hagrid just sent this"

Cass knew this was coming but her heart still dropped for the poor creature and for Hagrid, he must be crushed.

"No, we worked so hard. It'd not fair!" She whined

Cass ripped the note out of Ron's hands, frustration causing through her. She could see even through Hagrids writing just how devastated he was and it broke her.

Lost appeal. They are going to execute at sunset. Nothing you can do. Don't come down. I don't want you to see it.


"Oh bless him" She whispered "we can't just leave him on his own"

"But is sunset, we would never be allowed. Specially you and Harry" Ron responded and she just shrugged back at him with a 'you think I care?' Look

"If this dumbass" Cass smacked Harry upside the head "hadn't left the cloak by that one eyed which it wouldn't be a problem"

Harry put his hands up in mock surrender which caused his girlfriend to knock him off his chair without even looking.

"Erm. Rude. Anyways if Snape sees me anywhere near there again I'd be in serious trouble" Harry told them

"That's true, if he sees you......how do you open the passage way" Hermionie trailed off as she rose to her feet, the other three giving her skeptical looks.

"You tap it and say dissendium but-"

Harry wasn't even able to finish his sentence before Hermionie was striding across the room and leaving through the portrait hole. The three of that sat in confused silence for a moment wondering what had just happened.

"She hasn't gone to get it right? It's mionie, goody two shoes, rule loving mionie" Cassie said

Oh but she had. Around 15 minutes later said girl turned back up with the invisibility clock tucked neatly under her robes.

"I don't know what's got into you lately" Ron said as he started up at the Bushy haired girl with a look if awe "first you hit Malfoy, then you walk out on Trawleny, good for you"

Hermionie felt her heart skip a beat.

After dinner the quartet were able to sneak the cloak all the way to the entrance hall, Harry hiding it under his clothes as the others formed a semi circle around him to keep watch. Once they had reached the entrance hall and made sure there was absolutely no one left around the halls they all huddled together underneath the cloak and left the castle.

Cass and Ron squabbled a little as they walk, since they had to step so close together feet got trodden on a couple times.

"Shush you two, your going to get is caught" Hermionie sussed them, causing then both to look down and mumble out a 'sorry'

Eventually they were able to make it down to Hagrids hut, rushing to knock on the door.

"Its us" Harry whispered after seeing the nervous look on the poor man's face "we are wearing the cloak"

"Yeh shouldn have come!" He whisper-shouted however he was quick to step aside and let them in.

They pulled off the cloak as the door slammed shut. As soon as it was off Cassie was quick to shove the ginger boy and he only shoved her back with more strength.

"Wan some tea?" Hagrid asked them, the poor man looked so lost with no clue what to do

"I'll make it Hagrid, you sit down" Cass told the half giant, taking the kettle out out his trembling hands and going to make tea.

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