secrets revealed

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"Lucky the ground was do soft"

"I thought they were dead for sure"

"But he didn't even break his glasses"

"Cassie was so pale, it was really scary"

Harry could hear voices around him and he was really confused. He didn't know where he was or how he got there.

Harry opened his eyes and saw his teammates covered in mud around his bed. The twins and Hermione was on his left also looking at another person on a bed and Ron was on his right.

"Harry! How are you feeling?"

"What happened?" Harry asked while slowly sitting up.

"You fell off" Fred told him "must have been - what -fifty feet?"

"We thought you two died"


Harry looked to the bed on his left and what he saw made his heart shatter.

His girlfriend layed there pale as a ghoast. She was taking small, shaky breaths and red circles around her eyes as if she had been crying.

But the worst thing was her arms.

Her jacket had been taken off and revealed all the cuts and scars covering her arms.

Tears began to fall down Harry's face. How could this be happening. It made his heart shatter into a million peices.

He got out of his bed and sat in her bed, he pulled her up and layed her in-between his legs with her head reading in his chest. He put her jacket back on her and pulled the covers over them both. He knew that she wouldn't like it if people could see arms.

"Hey guys we can't tell her that we know about her...." he pointed to his wrists "she would be really upset if we knew about it, you know how private and secretive she is" Hermione, Ron and the twins nodded knowingly, silently agreeing.

"Hey guys what happened with the match, are we having a replay?"

No one said anything and Harry quickly realised the truth.

"We didn't..... lose?"

"Diggory got the snitch" George eventually spoke up "just before you fell. He hadn't realised what happened. When he saw you he tried to get a re match but they won fair and square even Wood admits at"

Harry looked around and for the first time he noticed that the captain wasn't in the room.

"Where is wood?"

"Still in the showers" Fred said "we think he is trying to drown himself"

Harry tightened his hold on Cassie and started to play with her hair with a small frown on his face.

"C'mon Harry you've never missed a snitch before"

"There had to be one time you didn't get it"

"It's not over yet, we lost by a hundred points right? So if Huffelpuff lose to Ravenclaw and we beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin"

"Huffelpuff will have to lose by at least two hundred points"

"But if they Ravenclaw....."

Harry remained still playing Cassie's hair. He had lost for the first time.

Madame Pomfrey come out of her office when she finally realised the team was still there and told them to leave. Ron and Hermione moved their Charis to be around Cassie's bed.

"Dumbeldore was furious" Hermione said after a moment of silence "He ran into the stands and levitated Cassie onto a stretcher than ran into the pitch and shot silver stuff out of his wand at the dementors and then put you on a stretcher next to Cass"

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