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He ripped the paper of and the two of them fawned over at what they saw, Ron had looked over and his jaw had dropped to the floor.

"I don't believe it" The red head exclaimed in disbelief.

There on Harry and Cassie's lap sat the best broom in the entire wizarding world so far, it was a fire bolt. It was the broom that Harry had been admiring most of the summer and was desperate to get his hands on, He slowly pulled his hands away from it and three quarters of the friends watched it hover above the ground in awe.

"Who sent those presents to you two?" Hermione asked.

They searched through the paper to find a tag of any kind but there wasn't any to be found. Cassie showed them the note she had gotten but it didn't say who the present had come from.

"Nothing, blimey who would spend that much money on you guys"

"I would if I had any money, sorry that I wasn't able to buy you presents again this year guys" Cass said, Harry wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her temple.

"Its alright, we know it's not your fault Cass, anyways, I'm betting that the Dursleys didn't send it"

"And I'm betting Mrs Harshaw did not send mine"

"It's probably Dumbledore" Ron said "he sent you the invisibility cloak anonymously......" Ron trailed off, getting distracted by the broom in front of him.

"That's was my Dads, he was just passing it down to me and I'm sure that Dumbledore isn't a female member of Cassie's family so he wouldn't have the headband" Harry said

Cass giggled at his comment and he smiled down brightly at her.

"I know who it could have been, Lupin!"

"Definitely not" Cass shut down, she knew that her father didn't have very much money for himself, he was still doing better that she was though.

"Lupin? If he had this much gold, he would be able to buy himself some new robes" Harry said while laughed and Cass forcefully whacked his arm.

"Ouch, Cass what the hell"

"Remember that's my ad your talking about, I love you, I really do but I wont hesitate to backhand you down the astronomy tower stairs"

Harry apologised to her because he knew that she wasn't lying. She smirked and turned back round to face Ron, happy that she had won.

Just the Crookshanks walked into the room and everyone went silent and Hermionie walked over to her cat and pulled him into her arms. Ron quickly grabbed Scabbers and held the ugly rat close to him.

"Get that out of here!" He shouted but Hermionie just ignored him and set the cat down on the couch, they boys could see the worry on the girls face and asked her what was wrong. She also hadn't seem very pleased when Harry and Cassie had got their mystery presents.

"Its a bit odd isnt it, I mean that is supposed to be quite a good broom"

Ron sighed and looked at Hermionie like she was stupid.

"Its the best broom their is Mionie"

"So it must have been really expensive and the headband is most likely from a pure blood family" she continued, the boys had no idea where she was goign with this but Cass knew exactly what she was saying, and was not happy about it "who would send something expensive as that to Harry and who would send something as imortant as that to Cass"

"Who cares, can I have a go in it Harry, can I"

"I don't think anyone should be riding that broom yet and Cass you should take the head piece off" Hermionie cut across Harry before he could speak.

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