sometimes bad events bring you together

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Cass, Ron and Hermionie sprinted down the corridors as fast as their legs could take them, as soo as they had gotten back to the castle they heard Malfoy boasting to his little group about how he had gone straight to Snape with what he had seen in Hogsmeade.

"Potter and his crew, Granger and Weaselbee think they can get away with whatever they like" Cassie took notice of how he hadn't mentioned her presence and tiny smirk took over her features for a moment "just wait until Snape gets a hold them them"

As soon as the heard of this they made a brake towards the dungeons knowing that after being told about this, Snape would have been waiting for Harry to arrive  just desperate to punish the boy for anything. Also knowing Harry and how stupid he could be at times, they all knew that Snape would have discovered the map by now and came up with quick lie as to why Harry would have it.

Once they reached the classroom they were confused to hear three voices talking but wasted no time and smashing open the door, leaning on the doorframe and each other all out of breath.

" I- gave- Harry- the- map" Ron puffed out while clutching his chest " bought it- in Zonko's- ages ago"

"Well" Said he third voice that just so happened to be Lupin " that clears that up so ill take this back now Severus. Children, you come along with me I must have a word with you all about my Vampire essay, excuse us"

Lupin had a smug smile on his face when snatching the map out of Snape's hands and folding it into his cardigan pocket but Cass noticed the annoyed glint in is eyes when addressing her and her friends which only spelt trouble for them, Luckily he wasn't as annoyed as Snape looked, furious with not being able to punish the group of teens. They all left the dingy classroom while trailing behind their professor just waiting for him to snap at them.

"Professor I-" Harry started

"I don't want to hear any excuses!"

there it was.

"I just so happen to know that this map was confiscated by Mr Filch many years ago, yes I know it is a map, I do not want to know how it happened to fall into your hands. I am however astounded that you didn't hand it in. Particularly after what happened after the last time a student left castle information lying around"

At the last part the know it all in Hermionie couldn't stop her self from raising her eyebrow at Ron and folding her arms, the ginger in question ignored her but no one hissed how his checks became pink in embarrassment.

"Why did Snape think I had gotten it from the manufacturers?"

"Manufacturers? wow Harry that's a big word for you"

"shut up Cass"

"Sorry" She mumbled with a giggle and Lupin just rolled his eyes at his daughters instincts, wonder where she got that from.

"Because these mapmakers would have wanted to lure you out of the school and cause mischief, finding it extremely entertaining"

"Did you know them?" His daughter asked and he had to take a moment before responding

"We've met" He shortly rushed out "Anyhow, do not expect me to cover for you four again Harry, nor you Cassie"

"Me? I didn't-"

she quickly went quieted and looked down once she received 'the look'

"I can not make either of you take Sirius Black seriously but, I would have thought that what you have heard when the dementors draw near you Harry would have had more of an affect. Your parents and your aunt Lily and uncle James gave their lives to save you both, gambling your lives is a poor way to repay their sacrifice"

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