Marcus Armstrong | 3

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"it's over"

"Marcus Armstrong, overtaking Daniel Ticktum through the inside line, and breaks...No! The brakes failed! This is a huge crash! The safety car is on the way..."

While you were watching the race from the hotel lobby, you couldn't believe what you saw. Your boyfriend had a massive crash with another driver and it took hours until you saw the first doctors running towards the two cars. You couldn't breathe, you knew it wasn't just one of those normal crashes. This one was huge and suddenly the Tv cameras didn't show the place of the accident anymore. That was a bad sign, you knew that. You grabbed your phone, calling his teamboss asking if he knew anything.

'Hello Mr. Vasseur, it's (Y/N), Marcus' girlfriend. Do you have any news?' your body was shaking, you knew that anything was wrong. 'Hello (Y/N), I'm sorry, no. Both drivers are on the way to the hospital. I don't know anything about their health status. I'll inform you when I got any news.' You thanked him. That they are on the way to the hospital means they both survived, right? Or not? What if he.....? You had to know if he was ok. It took only some minutes until the hospital near the racing track called you.

'Hello, am I talking with (Y/N)? Here's the Elizabeth hospital.' You took a deep breath, ready to be told how your boyfriend was. 'Yes, right. How's my boyfriend Marcus?' Your tears rolled down your face, you were extremely afraid that he wouldn't have survived. 'Calm down, Mr. Armstrong is alive. He told us to call you. He will need some surgeries because of a broken foot and a fractured arm but he's out of danger. You can visit him. We just need to do some medical checkup but it's ok if you are here.' You agreed, smiled and thanked God for this news. It was a real miracle. Only a few minutes later you were on the way to the near hospital. The friendly woman told you were Marcus was.

You knocked at the door and walked into the room. Marcus looked pretty tired and filled with pain, no wonder after that crash. He smiled when he saw you. 'Hey (Y/N) I'm so glad to see you. I thought I'd never see you again.' He started crying. 'I was so afraid. I thought I would die. I just heard my heart beating slower and slower and thought: it's over...' You tried to comfort him and told him that everything wouls be alright again soon. A nurse walked into the room and told you that Ticktum, the other driver was out of danger, too. Daniel wamted to let you know about that because he knew that Marcus would worry about that, too. He had a serious fracture near his spinal cord that forced him to undergo a surgery. But everything went well and he would be able to walk again. Both of you were extremely happy and hoped that nothing like that would ever happen again.

Requested by: baby_kattiee

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