Lando Norris; part 1 | 9, 19

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Sorry for not writing the last days but I had kind of a writer's block...

"You're not the person I fell in love with anymore"

"where have you been last night?!"

Looking back to the first months of your relationship with Lando, you remember happy days and sleepless nights. You never had a serious fight for years and it seemed that it will be one of the relationships that last forever. After marriage, your son (Y/S/N) completed your family. Three years later you two decided to try to have a second baby, without pressure, just like "if it happens, it happens". And you really got pregnant again! It was a small girl that looked exactly like you when you were young, while (Y/S/N) was an image of his father Lando.

While the kids grew up, the relationship between you and Lando changed. At first you didn't recognize it but especially when he was back home from racing in F1, you got more and more angry. He was only relaxing at the sofa while you had to do the whole work. With the household and the kids. Of course he also played together with the kids but you could see that he didn't enjoy it the way he should. The kids were counting the days their father would come home and when he was home he only watched Tv with them and was nagging when the kids wanted to play football together with him for example. Not that you didn't understand that racing was really exhausting and he wanted to calm down when he was home, but you hoped he would support you again the way he did some years before.

You walked towards your kids, asking them to play in their rooms and preparing to go to bed as you wanted to have a talk with Lando. 'Lando, can we talk please?' He looked up from his mobile phone and rolled his eyes. 'Yeah...what do you want to talk about?' It was so annoying to watch. You didn't have a real conversation for weeks without him leaving or you two ending up arguing with each other. 'Lando, what's on your mind? We have a family, we have two wonderful kids who love their father. It doesn't feel like us anymore. Like you currently behave... Always in a bad mood, being annoyed if the kids only ask for cuddling... You're not the person I fell in love with anymore... What's going on in your head? ' He just looked at you and shook his head. 'Don't talk about things you can't understand. I'm a racing driver and that's really tiring.' You looked at him and answered 'but you're a father and a husband, too. You knew that since your teenage how you life of a professional racing driver would look like. But you didn't stop talking about having a wife, a family, children... You have everything, other people would give everything to have kids and you? You even refuse hugging and cuddling just to have your peace.' He stood up from the desk without answering and just said 'I'm a racing driver and that's what I'm living for' while avoiding you and walking straight to the bedroom.

You sat at the desk and couldn't believe what's going on. Lando changed so much. Of course he was born for racing but he had always loved to be home, spending times with you and his family. As you looked at the clock it was already quarter past eleven in the evening and you decided to go to bed as you heard small footsteps down the stairs. It was your daughter. She was walking towards you, followed by her big brother. He told you that she was crying because of pain in the mouth. You hugged her and found out that she got her first wobbly tooth. You explained to her what's happening with that tooth and that her bigger brother already went through this and that it would be normal and every child had wobbly teeth. She went upstairs again and you looked proud at her, your five year old daughter. You son (Y/S/N) sat down next to you and even if he was only nine years old he recognized when someone wasn't alright and behaved really grown-up and responsible, especially when he cared for his younger sister. 'Mom, are you ok?' he asked you. You smiled at him and told you that you had a small disagreement with Lando. He lay his arm around you and told you that he recognized that his father behaved different. 'Doesn't he love us anymore? He's so repellent... And I'm unhappy because of it.' You could only hold him tightly, trying to told back your tears and asked him to go to bed again. You were sleeping at the sofa because you didn't want to argue with Lando again.

Early in the morning you heard the kids laughing and screaming of joy because the first snow was falling down outside. They ran outside and played with the snow in the garden. You prepared breakfast as Lando came out of the sleeping room. '(Y/N) where have you been last night?! Spending time with another man or what? You don't care for the kids, too you shouldn't always blame me.' You opened your eyes in shock, avoiding yourself not to hit him. 'Did someone wash your brain or what?! Lando I was awake almost the whole night thinking and caring for the kids! Fuck you, really! You daughter had her first wobbly tooth and your son cried because he can't understand why his father's behavior changed so much! What's going on in your head?' He walked towards you, trying to kiss you while saying he would be so sorry but you pushed him away. 'Lando, it's over! Please grab your things and go. Not only that I'm feeling unhappy with you around me, also the children are sad and that's not good. Think about your behavior and what's more important in your life. Career or family.'

Part 2 in the next chapter!

Requested by: dzeliite

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