Mick Schumacher | 81

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"I want to look at the stars tonight"

Coming from a super conservative family, you didn't have an easy teenage time. You parents were strict, and even though now, a few years later, you knew that they just wanted the best for you, it kind of shaped you and made you to the person you are today: Problems trusting someone and bonding problems.

It was a hard time when your friends at school all talked about their first party and their first time drunk and you could just sit next to them, not saying anything, because you weren't there. But the worst of it was then it came to the sexual topics. Many had their first boyfriend at the age of 14 or 15, while you were still single at the end of highschool. The problem wasn't your look, you just couldn't let boys closer to you. When you turned 18, you finally cut the ties with your family and moved to the northern part of Switzerland. The place you finally found peace. And friends, who you could trust. They went on parties with you, spent the evening with you when you were drunn for the first time and introduced you to their friends also. Well, that's how you met Mick. A blond, shy, young man, who also lived in Switzerland and seemed not to really have someone he could talk to. It wasn't your choice to walk over to him, asking him for his name, no. Your friends and you played truth or dare so you were forced to talk to him. But this was probably the best thing that could have happened to you.

Now, a year later, you and Mick were a couple. It took months of gaining confidence around him for you, months where you experienced what trust and love means for the first time. You were totally happy but you couldn't tolerate more than a hug. No kisses, nothing sexual. Mick was patient, you told him your story and that your parents said that love before marriage was wrong and a sin. As well as he told you his story.

You often met and spent the days together, sometimes he surprised you and came over, sometimes you visited him. Today morning, he called you, asking you about your plans for today. "I want to look at the stars tonight. With you", he told you. Of course you said yes and you two decided to meet at his appartment. But the longer you thought about it, the more nervous you got. Not only nervousness, it was pure fear when you stood in front of his door. You knew that Mick wanted to go a step further, he was a boy, you could see the desire in his eyes everytime you hugged each other. But you just couldn't. You panicked when you thought about having sex. Not because you wouldn't want, you just had such a bad conscience, it was against everything you got told when you were younger, it was a no-go topic at home. So you also didn't really know a lot about it. Your friends told you about how their parents explained topics like self-pleasuring or prevention to them and at this point you again realized how odd your family actually was. You did not even pleasure yourself once because your mum told you that it was a sin and your future husband would see if you did it before marriage. Mick knew about it, he was one of maybe 5 people who knew your complete story about your family.

Mick opened the door an you could see the happiness in his sparkling eyes when he realized it was you.
"Hey (Y/N)! You're finally here! I'm so happy to see you, come in."
You walked through his living room where he had already put some blankets and pillows so you could watch the stars together. Stiff of fear what would come next, you sat down just like Mick, but with enough space between the two of you. He knew this already, you always needed time to get comfortable. But this time it was different. You just couldn't calm down and when tears were running down your cheeks, Mick came closer, aware of not touching you, and looked you in the eyes.

"Shh (Y/N), calm down. Come on, breathe together with me. Slowly.", he spoke to you. It took a few minuted until you finally had a normal breathing rhythm again but you made it. As you looked into Mick's eyes, there wasn't any happiness left anymore. He was completely worried and didn't know what to do next. But neither did you.

"Can you just take my hand?", you begged him because you needed some comfort even though you weren't sure if you could tolerate it.
But then you felt Mick's warm hand gently taking yours and it gave you the feeling of safety. You smiled and you saw Mick's relief is his body posture.

"You wanna come next to me?", he asked. Suddenly the fear in you increased again and you froze. "(Y/N)!", Mick woke you up from your daydreams. "I am really worrying about you right now. What happened? Why are you scared? Why are you scared...of me?", he wanted to know.

With tears in your eyes, you tried to find the right words to answer. You knew that the behaviour and the state you were it were currently breaking his heart and he thought he was the guilty one.
"Mick...you did nothing wrong. I am just so scared..of you wanting..." and your voice broke.

Mick moved a bit to now sit opposite to you. "Scared of me wanting what?"

He didn't understand. "Mick, this here, you watching the stars and then? I can't.", you stuttered.

Finally he seemed to understand. "No! No, you got this wrong! Really! I...I didn't mean to! (Y/N), I just want to be with you, that the reason of this here. I would never force you to kiss me or touch me or have sex with me or whatever. Its ok. It's not easy for me you know...but we go the way together, in your speed. And if you're not able, you're not able. That's ok, I can wait and I will wait. So do not stress yourself. I promise! I love you the way you are and I will be patient. We will find a way, our way."

Overwhelmed by his emotional words, you started cyring again. But this time not because you were scared, but in disbelief you found a boy who really loves you with all your problems and mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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