Max Verstappen | 14

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A/N: I have to thank you all! I feel so welcomed here at Wattpad and I never thought that such a big amount of people would be interested in my writing... Absolutely amazed. More than 14,000 reads on this book, my first one. Thank you so much to everyone! I really appreciate that. Last Friday I had an English exam at school and it went pretty well. Nice that the "work" of practicing how to write in English pays off. 👍🏻

"why did you hit me?"

Being a couple for several years is not always easy. Especially not when your  future husband is away most of the time and you have to care for your two little children alone. Max of course had some arguments back in the past but this one was different. He hit you. It was not on purpose but he did it and even if he tried to apologize you couldn't forget the pain in your face and the look in his eyes when he hit you. This made you unsure wether you could accept his "sorry" because all the trust that grew in the years got blown away in one second. The consequence was you and the kids leaving the apartment. You decided that it would be better to stay with your parents for a while.

One evening, the kids were already upstairs and playing before they had to go to bed, you sat on the couch with your mum and dad. The doorbell ringed and you father stood up to see who's there in front of the door. He opened the door and you heard a familiar voice asking 'I'm sorry Peter, could I please talk with (Y/N)? I can also stay here outside the house if you don't want me to come in.' He knew your dad from the several visits. Your dad was still really angry about what Max did and almost screamed at him. 'Don't you dare to come again! Fuck off! You hurt my daughter, mentally and physically... I'll never forget that!' You were walking towards the door, trying to calm down you dad 'Father, stay calm. It's ok. Could you please give me some minutes with Max? We need to talk about the future and how to tell the kids.' Your father wasn't happy about your decision but agreed and walked out of the living room together with your mother.

'Come in Max' you told him, trying to be as emotionless as possible. You sat down at the sofa and he did so, too. He tried not to be that close to you, aware of giving you as much space as possible. 'Thank you for giving me that opportunity to talk to you. I know I'll never be able to apologize enough for what I've done, but I want you to know that I'm so sorry. If I could delete one second in my life it would be the second I hit you.' Max saounded really honest and you knew that he was totally ashamed for hitting you. But you couldn't just forget it. 'Max, I know. You don't need to tell me. I can see it in your face, in your eyes. But I can't forget that moment, ok? The thing I want to talk about is how and what to tell our children. They know nothing yet. And we need to talk about when you'll be able to see them. Because I won't come back to our house the next couple of weeks. I need to think about our relationship.' Max was nodding and answered that he would absolutely ok with that. '(Y/N), I can completely understand that. And tell the kids what I did. Tell them that I did hurt you, that it wasn't ok, tell them the truth but of course the "kids-version". But if they still want to see me, please give me the opportunity.' You were thinking if it was the right thing that came into your mind but you decided that it was his task to tell them, not yours. You gave him the chance to tell them about what happened and you were sure they would be very happy to see their father again after almost two weeks. 'Max... The kids are upstairs. They need to go to bed soon. What about telling them the truth? It's your task, you did the mistake. And they should be able to see you. It's their right. You're their father.' He couldn't believe it and was very thankful about that opportunity and you know that this was the best.

Max was standing in front of the children room and you could feel his nervousness. He knocked and opened the door. The kids saw him and screamed and jumped of happiness. Max bent down to them, smiling and hugging them. You had a small smile on your lips, too, seeing that beautiful scene. '(Y/D/N), (Y/S/N), Daddy and I need to talk with you ok?' You all sat down at the floor and Max started talking. 'Kids, you might have recognized that I haven't been here for a while. And that's not because I had to work, it's because I did a big big mistake. I hurt your mother, the woman I love. And now she's very sad about it and can't can't trust me anymore. And that's why I give her space now ok? But you can always see me if you want, I'm your father. And Mum and I also don't fight now ok? You can be mad at me because it was my mistake but please never be angry about (Y/N). And we both love you so much!' The kids were thinking and you could feel the tension in the air. 'Don't you love each other anymore?' your daughter asked you with big afraidness in her face. 'No, no I still love (Y/N). But we need a bit of time to get over my mistake ok?' Max answered, looking at you. You decided to give him a bit hope because he really felt guilty and you could see that. 'My little hearts, Daddy and I still love each other. And I still love him. But he did one thing wrong and what he did wasn't ok. And now we need to work and find out if we can trust each other again.' You hoped that the kids could understand the situation but you think they could. Max and you put them into their beds and they hugged you tightly. As you were walking downstairs and saying goodbye to Max you knew that you made the decision to fight for your relationship. It was a matter of time but you knew that the deep feelings you had for him never disappeared.

Requested by: yourgirlel

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