Oscar Piastri | 8, 22

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"I'm so proud of you!"

"I've loved you since we've been kids''

You and Oscar always had a great relationship, based on a deep friendship. Friends, but not more. That's what you had been trying since elementry school. At first you two were really good friends, continuing being like brother and sister. You spent a lot of time together and did some overnights at the other home. When you got older, Oscar was away for weeks racing abroad while you had to learn for school. But still, you found time to do some sports together.

Today was your first time in the F2 paddock and you couldn't hide how nervous you were. Oscar could manage to get some VIP cards for his and your family to enable you to attend the last three races of the F2 2021 season. You couldn't sleep the whole night because you thought you might oversleep. So while lying in bed, you tried to search for some nerd information about F2. Oscar eas currently first in the standings so hi might have a chance to get the F1 cockpit after Alonso's retirement. But that was still far away as Oscar uses to say.

You entered the Prema motorhome, Oscar was already waiting for you and your family. When you saw each other, both of your eyes lit up and you hugged the otger tightly. After welcoming your parents, too, Oscar took you on a walk through the paddock. You were impressed by how hard the teams were working for their driver even if it is "just" F2.

Soon it was Quali time. Oscar made just one small mistake and could get P2 for the last race on Sunday. The first two races went really well, condisering Oscar had to start on P11 in the first Sprint race. He got 5th, which also was his starting position for the second race. He was 3rd in the end, celebrating his podium before focussing on the main race which might be his most important race of his career so far. You knew rhat he had to be in the points in this race to win the championship. With 10 points ahead of Guanyu Zhou who was P2 in the standings. And he did! He didn't win but P2 was enough to win the F2 championship! As a rookie! The whole team members went crazy and so did you. You were allowed to join the team at Parc Ferme where Oscar got out of the car. He put away his helmet before jumping into the arms of his parents and his team. Then he saw you, smiling and walking your direction. "I'm so proud of you!", you were screaming before you spread out your arms to hug him. He hugged you back before kissing you. On your lips! You stared into his eyes, not believing that this did really happen. Then you got torn out of the situation when René, the team boss told Oscar to get up to the podium celebration. You shook your head, still not believing that this really happened. But it did. You heares your mom telling your dad: "See? I always told you this would happen. They love each other."

After the podium celebration, you were waiting for Oscar to solve this difficult situation between you two. You wanted nothing more to kiss Oscar back and showing him your love. But you were still unsure weather this kiss did only happen because of the adrenaline in his body. You heared steps towards his driver's room and your heart started beeting uncontrollable fast. "(Y/N)? You here?", he said as he opened the door. "Yeah... I...I want...I...Aah..Oscar we need to talk." He was just nodding, sitting down next to you. "I know, the kiss... I...I don't know what was on my mind. I just had to do it. I'm sorry if you don't share the feelings. But I ...I've loved you since we've been kids. I...I kissed you because I love you." Silence filled the room before you managed to answer. "Fuck...Finally", you said under tears before kissing him back.

Requested by: isssssssa05

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