back together

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Emmas POV
I just went to my room and laid in bed
And soon help someone on top of me
Ja) heyy
He said happily
Em) oh come here
I pushed him down and I laid on him
Ja) I missed this so much

Jadens POV
She smelt so nice and her hair was so soft, I put my hand on the side of her face and kissed her, all I could taste was her sweet strawberry lipgloss and when I pulled away I saw her cheeks turn a bright pink
Ja) wanna watch mov-
She kissed me again and I kissed back, we soon started making out but we pulled away for air.

she gave me a smile that made me melt inside
Ja) you know your so god damn cute
I smiled at her and she blushed
Em) you are too
I kissed her forehead and hugged her
Em) bubs?
Ja) yeah?
Em) can we go outside it's really nice
Ja) sure
We changed into our bathing suits
Em) I haven't been swimming in forever
Ja) me either

Emma's POV
I went behind jaden and pushed him in the pool
Em) oops
I laughed and watched as he came up for air
Ja) oh your going down
He got out of the pool and eventually cornered me
Ja) whatcha gonna do now?
Em) uhm-
Ja) exactly
He picked me up and threw me in the pool
Em) refreshing
I heard the door open and saw Bryce step out
Bry) yo what the fuck man without me, really?
I just laughed and dove back underwater splashing bryce
Bry) EMMA!
I hid behind jaden in the water and Bryce jumped in

(Time skip a few days)

It was around 10:00 pm and I was bored and jaden was at the studio so I decided I was gonna go visit him. I put on my shoes, got in my car and left I also stopped at Chick-fil-A to get him something to eat before I drove to the studio

Ja) babe?
He said giving me a kiss
Em) hey baby I brought you food
Ja) thank you I was just about to go home but we can chill here for a bit
Em) okay
The producers and other people in the room left so it was just me and jaden
Ja) what do you wanna do when we get home
He said smirking
Em) I dont know-
We talked a little more before going home
Em) hey jay..
Ja) hm?
I sat on his lap needy for his touch
Em) I need you-
I whispered in his ear
Ja) say less
He slowly kissed my neck sending chills down my spine. He walked over to the bed and got on top of me, kissing me slow and passionately

I took off my shirt and shorts leaving me in my bra and panties, I removed jadens shirt and pants as well.

We started making out again but it was really slow and passionate, it was filled with love.

He started kissing down my jawline and neck leaving love bites on my sweet spots, I moaned in his ear which turned him on I could tell.

Jadens POV
After I made a few marks on Emma's neck she took over and started kissing all over my chest which felt amazing.

I took off her bra and kissed all over her body.

Emma's POV
Jaden really knew how to turn me on because he knew all the right spots to touch me.

He slowly pulled off my panties and stuck two fingers in me starting a slow pace. I kissed him so I wouldn't moan but I ended up moaning anyway.

Em) mmh.. I-I'm gonna-
Ja) you can cum princess
I soon released all over his fingers and he just licked them off. He looked at me with lust in his eyes

Ja) are you sure baby?
Em) I'm positive
I smiled and he slowly slid in my entrance letting me adjust to his size. He slowly started thrusting into me, it hurt a little at first but it soon turned into pleasure

Em) Daddy can you please go a little faster?
Ja) of course princess

He started thrusting into me faster while kissing down my chest
Em) ahh.. mmh
Ja) mmm

He started going faster and harder, making my whole body fill with pleasure

Em) mmh...fuck I love you
Ja) mmh I love you too

A few minutes later I felt my second orgasm coming
Em) d-daddy I'm gonna c-um
Ja) me too princess-
We both came at the same time, it felt good

Ja) that was so good
He put his arm around me kissing my head
Em) yeah it felt good, thank you
Ja) you're very welcome love, did you have a good time?
Em) yeah I did

A few minutes later he carried me to the bathroom and we had a warm bath.

Jaden grabbed us towels and we dried off before changing

Em) babeee, look at all of the marks on my chest
Ja) I have them too
I blushed at the marks on his chest that I left. I put on my panties and a sports bra

Em) jay can I wear your t- shirt? Pleaseee
Ja) of course baby
He tossed his shirt to me and I put it on before laying in bed, he laid next to me and we soon fell asleep

GUYS I'M SO SORRY ABOUT NOT UPDATING FOR SO LONG. I had to edit every single chapter of this book because I got sick of the mistakes even though there are probably still some mistakes but I promise I'll be updating again soon

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