Chapter 5

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After a few weeks of living here, I managed to unpack my things for my bedroom and decorate it to my liking. Many posters now cover the walls, and I placed some LED lights around the perimeter of the room.

I ordered a few pizzas for supper as a thank you to the boys for making me feel welcome. I also made a Caesar salad to go with the pizza, which they devoured.

After supper, I changed into the first bathing suit I saw laying around in my closet and grabbed my towel before heading downstairs to the living room.

"Anyone want to join me in the pool?" I asked the guys lounging around in the living room.

Most of them replied with, "Sure!"

I waited outside on the pavement beside the pool, hooking up my phone to the speaker and picking a decent playlist. I set my phone down on the table and went to set my towel down on one of the chairs.

Suddenly, when I wasn't looking, I felt arms around me and was lifted up into bridal position. Before I could look yo see who had picked me up, I was thrown into the cool pool water. After touching the bottom with my feet, I pushed up, coughing slightly as I came up for air. Everyone was laughing at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Tayler, you asshole!"

"Aww, you're cute when you get angry," he chuckled, making me roll my eyes a secondary time.

"Gross, that's my sister," Griff said, half joking.

Griff swiftly pushed him into the pool when Tayler leaned over the side of the pool to talk to me.

"Ha, payback!" I giggled at Tayler.

"You're welcome," Griff said, walking away from the pool.

Eventually, most of the boys jumped into the pool as well, and we all started roughhousing.

"Yo, what if we filmed another 'Truth or Dare' video?" Griff asked, looking at everyone.

I nodded, "Sure, sounds fun."

"Definitely," Ant said, moving to the edge of the pool and pulling himself up.

"I guess.." Freshman agreed.

"Mhm," Tayler hummed.

"Okay, everyone gather in the hot tub?" Griff said, setting up the camera that he had brought out earlier.

Griff looked at everyone, trying to decide on a victim,"Okay, Tayler, truth or dare?"

"Uhh, dare, for sure."

"I dare you to play the rest of this game with the lightest person sitting on your lap."

Tayler looked at me while grinning, I shook my head and looked at Griff. Tayler picked me up anyway, though, and placed me on his lap sideways so I could fave the others as well.

"Damn. Maybe Emma isn't the lightest player, and it's someone else?" Griff tried to convince us otherwise, but c'mon, we all know it's me.

"Sorry man, but it's definitely Em," Ant said.

I smiled at Griff, finding this amusing. He rolled his eyes as we continued the game.

Tayler looked at Freshman, "Quinton, truth or dare?"


"Who's your new girlfriend?" Tayler asked, grinning.

Quinton turned red, "Aha- just remembered I needed to do something," he said, dashing out of the pool.

We all sat there laughing for a good minute at his actions before continuing the game.

"Okay then, Bryce?"


Tayler smiled, almost manically, "I dare you to drink your own piss."

"Oh, for fucks sake..alright."

He ended up pissing in an empty glass bottle we had found from earlier. We all started at him as he sipped the contents that were now made up of his piss, and maybe a little bit of his ego.

He gagged at he chugged the liquid, eventually throwing up over the balcony. It was quite entertaining to watch, though.

After that whole fiasco, we sat back in the hottub.

"Em, truth or dare?" Bryce asked, still disgusted from his dare.

"Hmm..dare I guess," I replied, immediately regretting my decision once I was his smirk.

"Kiss Tayler, right now, in front of Griff."

"Please do not. I don't want to see that," Griff said, crossing his arms over his chest again.

"What? You've done it before; this is just payback from earlier. Unless you're too pussy?"

I sighed, "Bryce.."

Griff shook his head, "Jesus Christ."

However, there was no stopping Tayler though because as soon as I looked at him, he was pulling me into a kiss. I mean, obviously, I didn't mind.

When we pulled away, Tayler was knocked into the pool by Griff.

"Griff, stop, you're hurting him!" I exclaimed.

"He'll be fine," Griff said, punching Tayler a second time.

"Griffen, stop!"


He finally let go of Tayler, earning a punch in the face from him. Tayler stormed inside after punching Griff.

I checked first to see if Griff was decently okay. He was fine. Then, I walked into the house to find Tayler. He was sitting in the living room with a towel wrapped around his waist, but his expression seemed sad.

I walked over with my towel and sat beside him, staring into a distance.

"I'm sorry about him."

"It's not your fault. It's just upsetting that I can't show you any affection without almost being slaughtered by your brother," he said, sighing.

"He's just been having a bad day."

"Yeah, maybe, or the fact that he hates me."

"He doesn't hate you. He hates.." I sighed, stopping myself, "Nevermind. Just know that he can't get between us. I'm not going to leave you because mg older brother told me to," I smiled, kissing his cheek softly before pulling him into a light side hug.

I heard the glass door sliding opened and looked over to see Griff walking inside, so I walked over to him.

"Please leave him alone, Griff."

Griff looked at me and sighed, but not angrily, "If he makes you happy, I feel that I have to accept it."

I smiled at him, "One step in the right direction I suppose."

"Just don't be making out in plain sight or anything, please?"

My face reddened at his words, "Nothing to worry about."


Griff walked back outside to the pool, and I walked back over to Tayler.

"So, does this mean you'll go out with m now?" Tayler asked, smiling.

"Yes, yes it does."


Honestly I think this is just a filler chapter because it seems kinda boring, my bad.

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