Chapter 10

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"Awe cuties" my mom cooed.

"I really wish you could just be happy for me" I said, looking at my dad.

I walked upstairs, Tayler following.

"What's wrong?" He asked, once we entered my room.

"No one believes that your a great person, you make me feel special. Getting a tattoo was my decision" I sighed.

"I think your a great person, and I like your tattoo, I just wish they didn't hate my guts and believed that I wouldn't hurt you ever, you're the best girl in the world" he smiled.

"Aww baby" I smiled, placing my arms around his neck.

I kissed him passionately on the lips, but dad had to ruin it by knocking on the door.

"What do you want? because I don't wanna talk to you" I replied, a bit harshly.

"I'm really sorry, I think Tayler is a great person and if he makes you feel special I think you should be with him" he said.

I opened my door, pulling my dad into a hug.

"Thanks dad, that's all I wanted to hear" I smiled.

We just finished eating supper. Tayler and I were chilling in my room, watching a scary movie.

Tayler cuddled me, so I would feel safe, but I still jumped.

"Tayyy can we please watch something else" I begged.

"Why? it's almost over, don't worry no one will hurt you as long as I'm here" he smiled.


The next morning I had to break free from his arms because I was trapped.

I got dressed into a skirt and a t-shirt.

I did a makeup look and curled my hair. When I finished doing my make up and hair I went downstairs because Tayler was still sleeping.

I made bacon and eggs for everyone and of course my parents were the first ones up.

"Oh morning hun" my mom said.

"What smells so good?" My dad asked.

"I made bacon and eggs" I smiled.

The rest of the boys came down, Dixie did as well.

"Morning everyone!" I said.

I gave tayler a peck on the cheek, and placed plates on the table.

"Ooooou!" Bryce, jaden and josh said.

"Shut up" tayler groaned.

"Why should we?" Bryce asked, eating a piece of bacon.

"Cause it's not like it's important, it was just a kiss right em" he smiled.

"Yeah it was...just a kiss" I smiled.

I walked outside quickly, so I could water the flower pots.

"Hey em, I'm sorry for what I said" he spoke, looking into my eyes

"It's alright" I smiled.

I gave him a peck on the lips quickly

"My god do you guys ever stop kissing, you act like 8th graders, oh and don't you dare think about having sex either" dad said.

"Dad would you just shut up, I'm not a baby anymore we can have sex if we want to" I replied, as I finished watering the plants.

"You shouldn't have sex until your married" he argued.

"Griffin's had sex already, and I know that didn't happen with you and mom you had griffin a year before you got married" I replied, walking back inside.

"Well that's not the point it's different for you" he said.

"Is it different just because I'm your daughter?" I asked.

I was fed up with this so I walked back up to my room, locking the door.

💜Tay Tay💜
Hey baby can I please come in?

Can you climb from your balcony to mine?

💜Tay Tay💜
Of course, omw

I watched as he climbed onto my balcony, I unlocked the door for him.

He picked me up, as I wrapped my legs around his waist and hugged him.

He gave me a few neck kisses, and  threw me on the bed. He was on top of me and we started making out until someone knocked on my door.

"Hi honey it's dad can I come in?" He asked.

"Nope, you can't because I don't want to see you and we're watching a movie" I said.

"Okay look, I'm really sorry I just don't trust any of the sway boys only griffin" dad sighed.

"Just leave" I replied.

"Alright fine just remember you can talk to me any time" he sighed.

Once he left, I put on a movie.

I felt tayler's hand in my shirt, he  staring at me so I moved up kissed him.

I was about to get up but he pulled me onto him and we started making out again.

The cringe, I'm sorry, I wrote this like 2 years ago, when I couldn't write and now I dont know how to change it.

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