Chapter 14

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I saw a video of tayler making out with Sommer ray.

Shock, fear, sadness, and anger all filled my body, which made me immediately brake down in tears.

"Aww em I'm sorry" Dixie said.

"His loss, you're such an amazing person" madi said.

They both gave me a high, as we began to walk out of the mall.

"Let's go home" Dixie suggested.

"Just to think I was gonna get a tatto with him, I did everything for him.." I sighed, wiping the tears off my face.

"Wait what really?" Madi asked.

"Yeah I was gonna piss of my dad and Griffin again, hell I can do that by breathing" I sighed again.

"Oh shit what if Griffin saw?" Dixie said.

"I dont give a flying fuck right now!" I shouted.

We left the mall, and went to the hype house because all the girls were there.

We were there, and I was still crying.

Charli and kouvr were downstairs,  when they saw me they ran over.

"Aww Emma what happened" charli asked.

"Yeah babe what's wrong?" Kouvr asked.

"Madi wanna say it?" Dixie asked.

"Tayler cheated on her with sommer ray" madi sighed.

"Aww em, you're way better than him!" Charli replied.

"Yeah he's just a selfish dickwad" kouvr said, making me smile.

They each gave me a hug as well.

"What should we do to cheer you up?" Charli asked.

"I'll get the ice cream"dixie said, walking to the kitchen.

"Wanna watch Netflix in my room? We have a giant bed" kouvr asked.

"Okay that sounds good" I sniffled.

It was 10:30, so we had to go home.

"We should take you home Emma" madi suggested.

"Okay.." I sighed.

We had a froup hug, before we left the hype house, and before I knew it we were back at sway.

"I'm don't wanna go in there, tayler's still here" I replied.

"It'll be okay, I'm staying the night" Dixie said.

"Madi do you wanna stay with us?" I asked.

"Sorry I can't tonight" she replied.

"Oh okay bye madi" I smiled, giving her a hug.

I watched as she pulled out of the driveway, and drove down the road.

"I'm scared to go in there" I sniffled.

"It's okay I'm here with you" Dixie said.

"I know, but please dont tell griff about what happened" I sighed.

"Alright I won't" she sighed.

We walked in the house, and griff was right there in the living room.

"Oh hey" he waved.

"Hey baby" Dixie smiled.

"Oh hey griff" I said.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied, walking upstairs to my room, passing tayler in the hallway.

"Hi babe" he waved.

I ignored him and went to my room. I flopped on my bed and started crying into my pillow.

"Babe are you okay?" He said softly.


"What did I do?" He asked.

"You know fucking well what you did" I scolded.

"No, I really don't" he lied, stepping closer to me.

"You're such a fuckin liar" I sobbed.

"Babe calm down, what happened?" He asked again, reaching for my shoulder.


Soo enough I heard my door open, griff and Dixie walked in.

"Shit.." I mumbled.

"What did you do to my sister, you dickhead" griff asked.

"Nothing... can you just get out" I sighed.

"Can I please tell him?" Dixie asked.

"Whatever" I replied, wiping my tears away.

"When we were at the mall today we saw a video of tayler and Sommer making out" Dixie said calmly.

"What." Griff said, in an angry tone.

"Look I-I'm sorry it was a m-mistake" tayler said, stuttering.

"After all I've done...why did you" I cried.

"I-i dont know" he replied.

"Just get the fuck out go, live somewhere else" I said.

I didn't wanna see for a second longer, so I ran downstairs.

I wasn't paying attention and ended up accidentally running into someone.

"I'm so sorry" I said, looking up to see jaden.

"It's all good" he replied, helping me up.

"Hey are you okay? I heard a lot of violence" he asked.

"Yeah I'm okay" I said, avoiding any eye contact.

"I can tell, you aren't fine" he replied, placing his hand on my cheek, so I could face him.

I heard someone else approaching, so we moved away from each other.

"Oh hey jaden" griff said.

"Hey griff" jaden said, awkwardly walking away.

A couple hours later tayler was gone. I was still sad just laying in my bed, when I heard a knock.

"Come in" I replied, setting my phone down.

"Hey" jaden said.

"Hey jaden what's up?" I asked, sitting up.

"Wanna watch a movie with us? Instead of griefing alone" he asked.

"Uh sure, I could use the company" I said.

We walked downstairs and sat down in the movie room. I was in between jaden and kio.

And of course kio was on his phone.

"What should we watch?" Griff asked.

"Something funny to cheer Emma up" Bryce suggested, sitting back in his spot.

"I know the perfect movie, Emma, you love this movie" griff smiled.

"Oh my god, not scary movie again" I giggled.

Everyone laughed and I smiled.

The movie was about halfway, when i started feeling sleepy. I didn't even notice I was falling asleep on someone's shoulder.

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