Chaprer 19

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When I woke up jaden was still sleeping, he had his arms around me.

I tried to get out of his grip without waking him, but his grip got stronger.

"Mm stay" he mumbled.

"Jay I need to shower" I giggled.

"Pleaseee" he begged.

"Okay fine" I smiled.

I put my head on his chest, and my arms around his waist.

We cuddled for another hour until we had to get up.

I went and had a shower in my bathroom.

When I got out there was a t-shirt, jeans, socks, panties and a bra laid out on my bed.

I assumed jaden picked them out so I quickly changed and I sat at my vanity straightening my hair.

I was halfway done my hair when jaden walked in again.

"Hey Emma wanna come to the mall with us?" Jaden asked.

"Sure just let me finish my hairand makeup" I replied.

"Okayyy, but so you know; you don't need makeup your beautiful without it" he smiled.

"Aww thank you" I blushed.

He sat on my bed on his phone while I finished my hair.

He wasnt looking, so I tried to put on some mascara but I felt a hand bring my arm down.

"Natural beauty" he smiled, kissing my hand.

"Fine but only for you" I smiled, placing the mascara tube back on my vanity.

I got up and gave him a hug.

"Emma?" He spoke.

"Yeah?" I asked, removing my arms from him.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked.

"Yeah of course" I smiled.

"I like you, and I have since the day we met. I was really jealous when you started dating tayler" he said, looking away.

"I like you too jaden, but if you had feelings for me why did you start dating mads again?" I asked.

"At the time I still had some feelings for her, but she put no effort into our relationship and I couldn't deal with it anymore" he sighed.

"Well thanks for confessing this, I've had feelings for you for awhile too; and you were the first person to help me when I broke up with tayler" I smiled, looking up at him.

He leaned down and kissed me, it felt like it lasted forever but we finally pulled away after a few seconds.

"Hey I know you just broke up with tayler, but will you go out with me sometime?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes of course" I smiled.

We hugged again.

"Are you asses coming or not?" Bryce asked, looking in my room.

I didn't even see him so when he spoke I jumped a little.

"Yeah let's go" I said, grabbing my purse, and following them to the car.

We were only with Bryce who sat upfront.

I was left with jaden. We were just joking around and laughing the whole ride until we got there.

When we got there jaden had me put on my mask and then he blindfolded me.

The three of us walked into the mall, I heard Bryce walk off, he said he would be back.

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