Chapter 18

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Emma's POV

We called the uber and it got here pretty fast, so we both got in the back.

"Hey Emma I'm sorry for what happened it's just....tayler had absolutely no right at all to hit you" he sighed, making eye contact.

"No thank you for that jaden, you shouldn't be sorry, I should be sorry for letting you punch him because you ended up getting punched too" I replied.

"No need to worry about me, really, I'm fine" he smiled.

He put his hand on my thigh and It mad me feel really special.

I blushed and tried to hide my face.

"Don't look away emma, you look cute when you blush" he teased.

He lifted my chin and we locked eyes. He leaned in to kiss me but unfortunately we pulled into the driveway, so sadly we just pulled away and got out of the uber drivers car.

We walked up to the house holding hands.

When he opened the door noah and anthony were downstairs.

"Hey where's griff?" Noah asked.

"He's still at the hype house with Dixie, doing well I think I know; but doing god knows what" jaden joked, making all of us laugh.

"Well at least we don't have to hear it" Ant smiled.

We all laughed again.

"What's everyone else doing?" I asked, taking off my shoes.

"Well um Bryce is in hopefully his room doing umm...stuff" noah replied.

"Like what kind of stuff?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"You sure you really wanna know?" He questioned.

"Umm...yes I think, maybe?" I giggled.

"Let's just say he's...enjoying himself" ant replied, setting up his phone for a tik tok.

"Eww, I didnt really want or need to know that" I said, grossed out.

"Well that's your fault for asking" noad said, as he walked away.

"So why did you guys just leave griff there at the hype house?" Kio asked.

"Uhm.." I began, wiping the tears off my eyes.

"Hey em it's okay" jaden said, placing his arms around me,

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to upset you" kio said.

"It's fine, you didn't know anything so it's not your fault" I said, walking upstairs.

I walked to my room and changed into sweatpants, keeping jadens hoodie on.

I was just watching Netflix until some one knocked on my door.

"Come in" I said, pausing my show.

Jaden walked in smiling.

"Hey" he said.

"Oh hey Jay what's up?" I asked.

"Wanna watch a movie with me?" He asked.

"Sure I'm already watching Netflix, wanna watch something with me?" I asked, patting the spot next to me.

He sat down beside me.

"What are we gonna watch?" He asked.

"You pick" I said, handing him the remote.

He put on one of the star wars movies.

(I'm a nerd, don't come at me)

"I've never seen this" I replied.

"You'll like it" he smiled, leaning back.

He looked at my phone and chuckled, I completely forgot I was watching his tik toks.

"Damn I thought mads was obsessed with me" he chuckled.

I closed tik tok and set down my phone like nothing happened, while blushing.

"You know your cute" he smiled.

I blushed even more but before I could say anything I felt his lips on mine; but we pulled away when my door opened.

"Yo what the fuck?" Bryce said.

I blushed and jaden just laughed.

I was so embarrassed so I ran out of my room downstairs to the kitchen.

I was surprised to see Griffin walk in.

"Oh hey Emma are you okay?" He asked.

I think he had sex with Dixie when we were there because he looked tired, and I think I saw a few hickeys but I didn't say anything.

"Yeah I'm fine why do you ask?" I said, grabbing a water.

"I heard what happened and why you left the hype house, just asking" he replied.

Jaden ran down as well.

"Hey em I'm sor- oh hey griff" he waved.

"Srry for what?" Griff asked, suspicious of us.

"" jaden said.

"Yeah right" griff said, unamused.

"Hey griff what's on your neck?" Jaden teased.

"Nothing!" Griff said, running upstairs, making jaden and I laugh.

"He's so weird I feel bad for you" jaden smiled.

"At least he isn't your brother, growing up with him was weird" I giggled.

We walked back to my room upstairs, and finished the movie.

Before I knew it we both ended up falling asleep.

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