Chapter 8

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We all walked into th living room, just to see Griff Punching Tayler, and they started fighting.

"Guys knock it off!" Dixie and I shouted.

Jaden and kio eventually pulled them apart.

I got them each ice, dixie was helping them clean up.

I walked upstairs, with Tayler following.

"Em I'm so sorry-" he began.

I could tell he was upset about his actions because he wouldn't look at me.

"Don't worry it's fine" I said.

"No it's not, that wasn't fair of me to fight tour brother" he replied, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"No it's okay, I promise, and I'm sure that griffin is okay" I smiled.

"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Of course" I replied.

I sat on his lap, kissing him with  passion, just to prove I wasn't mad.

"That makes me feel better" he smiled, making eye contact.

"I thought it would make you happy" I smiled.

I laid beside him, he was getting on top of me.

"Hey Tayler I just wanted to say-" he began "Get the fuck off my sister" he finished.

We both blushed, and smiled.

"Sorry what we're you gonna say?" Tayler said, getting off of me.

"I was gonna say sorry to Tayler. Anyways, how come everyone bothers me when I'm with my girlfriend" he groaned.

"Cause you owe him, and we didn't know what to do" I replied.

"Whatever, anyway mom texted, mom and dad are coming down here for the weekend" griff said.

"What, why?" I groaned.

"They just said they were coming, and they would be here in an hour" griff said.

Griff walked out, making sure to close the door on his way out.

"I get to meet your parents? That's a bit nerve wracking" her nervously laughed.

"No, we can't tell them we are dating they would kill me" I ranted.

I looked into his eyes, all I could see was hurt.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.. it's just- they don't want me dating anyone after I broke up with my last boyfriend because he cheated" I sighed.

"Oh I'm sorry. I mean it's good not having to worry about your dad wanting to kill me" he chuckled.

After about 30 minutes of talking, laughing and cuddling, we heard a knock on the door downstairs.

"Shit they're here. I'm so sorry, but we have to try not to flirt, kiss, hug, cuddle, blush, or stare and we can't sleep together, until they leave" I sighed.

"This is pure torture" he replied.

"Please just try, when this is over I'll make it up to you with the best date" I smiled.

"Okay.." he sighed.

I kissed him one last time, before  walking downstairs.

"Hi kids we're so happy to see you!" My mom exclaimed.

I walked over to them, giving them each a tight hug.

After griff showed them around, I decided to sit outside.

"Who wants to swim?" I asked

"Sure" jaden said.
"Of course" Bryce said.
"Yeah sure" Anthony and josh said

Quinton and kio weren't there.

"C'mon mom, dad it will be fun" I smiled.

I quickly walked back to my room, and put on a black bikini, with a cover up.

"What the hell are you wearing?" My dad complained.

"A bathing suit?" I replied.

"Go change" he said sternly.

"But this is my only bathing suit" I lied.

"Whatever" he said.

"Why, what do you have against my bathing suit?" I asked.

"You're showing too much skin, there's a lot of guys here" he replied.

"Well duh it's the sway house" I smiled.

"C'mon honey leave her alone, there's a hot tub" my mom squealed.

They walked away and got on the hot tub.

I felt someone pick me up and throw me in the pool, I knew it was griffin I could tell by how much he was laughing.

"Griffin!" I yelled, rolling my eyes.

"Awe what's the matter, scares of a little water?" He

I got out of the pool and chased him around, eventually pushing him in.

"EM! Seriously why did you do that?" He asked.

"Cause you did it to me, asshole!" I shouted.

"Please stop arguing" my mom groaned.

we evily glared at each other.

"Who wants to chicken fight?" Jaden asked.

"Me!" Everyone replied, except my parents of course.

I took off my cover up, and set it on a chair.

"Wait Emma is that a tattoo?" Bryce asked.

"Eheh...what-" I began.

"Wait what, let me see" my dad said.

"Shit, she's in trouble" Bryce laughed.

"Shut up hall, why does it matter?" I asked.

Dad shot an annoyed glare at me.

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