Chapter 15

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I felt someone tap my shoulder; so I looked up and realized I fell asleep on jaden

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I whispered, sitting up.

"It's alright, not the first time I've been used as a pillow" he joked, making me giggle.

Griffin looked up at us unamused.

"Jaden stop flirting with my sister" he sighed.

"What? were not flirting" he said, a bit quickly; as I blushed.

"Uh huh right" griff replied.

Before I knew it the movie was over. We cleaned up, and I went to my room to change.

I heard my door open, and saw Griffin.

"What the fuck dude, I could've been naked!" I exclaimed.

"Well you weren't" he said.

"And thank god for that" I replied, in a sassy tone.

"Anyway, stay away from jaden, please" he replied.

"What do you mean? he was just being a nice friend" I smiled.

"Yeah right, I saw the way you were looking at eachother" he groaned.

I aggressively rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm just warning you, jaden isn't a good enough person for you" he defended.

"Well you shouldn't worry because we're just friends and since when could you decide who I could date, hm?" I asked.

"I can't but I'm just saying, watch out" he said, walking out of my room.

I changed into some pj shorts. I went to grab a hoodie; but all of mine were dirty, so I walked down to the laundry room.

I grabbed a random hoodie I found. I assumed it was Anthony's or griffins. So I put it on.

"Damn, most girls go on a date with me before they steal my hoodies" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around and saw jaden leaning against the door frame.

"Shit I'm sorry, I thought it was ant's" I blushed.

"No worries, you can keep it" he smiled.

"Are you sure, I can give it back" I said.

"Yeah it's fine, I think it looks hot on you" he teased.

"Okay!" I blushed, and ran to my room, running past griff.

Griffins POV

I saw Emma running down the hall, and I tried to stop her; I failed.

I walked into the room she ran out of and, saw jaden. That sex crazed fucker.

"What the fuck did you do my sister" I asked.

"Nothing, Griffin I did nothing" he said.

"Then why did she run out looking like she was about to die?" I questioned.

"I.. um I swear to god I dont know" he stuttered.

"YOU DICK, you do know because you fucking paused so tell me WHY!" I yelled.

"I dont know I caught her grabbing one of my shirts out of the laundry" he replied.

"And what did you say to her?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"All said was that she could keep it if she wanted" he replied.

"And?" I asked.

"And what? that's what I said to her" he said.

"No it's not, I know my sister and that isn't enough to make her like that; dude what the fuck did you say?" I asked again, more aggravated.

"I kinda told her that she kinda looked hotter in my shirt" he smiled.

"You ASS" I shouted.

"I uh I gotta go, we can talk later" he shouted, running out of the laundry room.

"Stop hitting on my sister!" I exclaimed.

DAMN I really need to do something about him.

Emma's POV

Hearing all the yelling made me feel bad for Jaden, I wanted to apologize, so I walked to his room.

I knocked on the door, he answered quickly, looking down at me.

He was only wearing a pair of blue shorts, and damn he looked gorgeous.

"Hey jaden can we talk...about earlier?" I asked.

"Sure come in" he replied, allowing me in his room.

As soon as I got in I turned around and started talking. I couldn't shut my dumb ass up.

"So um I'm really really sorry about before when Griffin started yelling at you; it was all my fault for running away I was just embarrassed and I di-" I began.

Jadens POV

I cut her off by kissing her, and let me say it was the best most passionate kiss I have ever had.

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