the surprise

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It's been a week and jaden still hasn't said anything else about the surprise but he has been out with josh a lot lately but anyway I was just laying in bed beside him on tik tok and I wanted attention so I kissed his neck
Ja) mmm
I heard him groan a little so kissed his neck again but a little rougher
Ja) mmh morning baby
Em) morning
I smiled and he turned over to me
Ja) did you want attention that bad
Em) maybe
Ja) simp
Em) I'm not a simp
Ja) yes you are but you're my simp
Em) stop calling me a simp
Ja) awe your so cute when you get mad
Em) I'm not mad
Ja) oh come here I know you love me
Em) fineee
I put my head in the crook of his neck and my hand on his chest, I looked up at him and kissed him. we just laid there for a while
Em) baby I'm gonna get dressed
Ja) okay
I got up and went to my closet, I put on a bra but then jaden walked in
Em) did you miss me already?
I laughed
Ja) damn you look so sexy right now
Em) thank you
I laughed at his joke as he just looked me up and down because I was only in my bra and panties
Em) but seriously why are you in here
Ja) I need my shirt that I left in here
Em) wow your actually wearing a shirt
Ja) yeah but I bet your gonna miss my abs
It was true I was, but oh well I can deal with that later
Ja) I have to leave with josh in like an hour
Em) okay
He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder
Em) Ahhhh bubs, noooo I'm not dressedddd
Ja) sooo?
Em) put me downnn
He took me to the bed and jumped on top of me, we soon started making out
Em) take your shirt off I wanna see your abs
Ja) betttt
He laughed as he took of his shirt, I started kissing his neck and slowly moved my hand down his abs
Ja) mmm baby stop
Em) why?
I was a little confused
Ja) I have to meet josh soon so we wont have enough time but how about when I come home and we will continue this
Em) okay sounds good
I smiled and he returned a smile back, I got up and kissed him again of course
Ja) I'm gonna go downstairs and eat I'll make you something too
Em) thanks baby
He walked out and I put on some shorts and I ran to jadens room and put on one of his shirts before walking downstairs
Ja) is bacon and eggs good for breakfast?
Em) perfect
I said and kissed his cheek
Ja) can you please grab the eggs
Em) yeah
I grabbed the eggs and helped him make breakfast
Ant) morning
Em) oh morning ant
The rest of the boys soon came down
And by the time they all came down the food was ready
Griff) ugh I'm so tired
Em) why
Griff) you don't wanna know
Em) probably not but why
Griff) I heard a lot of moans coming from someone's room
I looked at Bryce and he blushed and looked at his phone
Jo) It was 100% Bryce
Bry) I could've been...jaden I mean he has Emma
Em) it's not always me I swear
Ja) ya we didn't do anything last night
Griff) and trust me I would know if she did because she wouldn't be able to walk
Em) what
Griff) your dating the guy with the biggest dick
Em) I-
I couldn't make out any words i just blushed
No) damnn
Ant) hey Emma how big is it?
Ja) can we stop talking about my dick please
Em) yes please
Kio) we all know you guys have fucked
Em) how so?
Griff) first of all you literally just admitted it and I know how you are
Em) shut the fuck up
I put my leg up beside me and finished eating
Griff) what the fuck is that
Em) what..oh yeah I never told you about that
Griff) when did you get it
Em) like three weeks ago
Griff) how did you keep that from me
Em) clearly you aren't the most observant
A little while later I cleaned up, jaden and Josh were about to leave
Ja) bye baby we will be home soon
He kissed me and I think we were making out or something
Jo) get a room
I blushed and they left
*time skip*
Jaden called me and said they would be home soon and they had a surprise
*time skip*
Jo) we're back
Jaden walked in with a puppy
Em) Aweee a puppy
Jo) her name is buddy
Bry) yo a dog that's sick
Ant) who's dog is it
Jo) it's mine and jadens
Em) awe
I sat on the floor and she came over to me and sat in my lap
Em) awe I love her, can I help you guys take care of her?
Jo) sure
Ja) of course
Jo) but we also decided we were gonna move to an apartment
Em) what! Why didn't you tell me
Ja) well I was scared you weren't gonna be happy
Em) I- umm..ya
I walked upstairs I don't know what to think, why didnt he tell me this
I sat on my bed just thinking but I heard the door so i looked up and saw jaden
Ja) baby...
He looked sad so I walked over to him
Em) come sit
We sat down on my bed and began talking
Ja) I'm so sorry i didn't mea-
I cut him off my kissing him, when we pulled away I smiled
Em) it's okay I'm not mad I just didnt know what to think I'm sorry
Ja) no baby it's my fault, I know it will be different but if we are together we can work this out
He gave me a small smile and kissed me again
Em) I love you
Ja) I love you too
Em) just promise me if things do happen you wont leave me
Ja) what do you mean
Em) like what if i get pregnant some day
Ja) then i will help you through it, it's your choice if you would keep it or not but I won't ever leave you
Em) awe thanks baby
(Ik this is cringy but I need help with this story pls comment anything)

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