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So I woke up just like everyday in jadens arms and I realized that we were back at sway
Ja) morning babe
Em) morning baby
He gave me my morning kiss of course
Em) I forgot we were back here
Ja) yeah but now we wont have to deal with my parents bugging us
Em) ha ha yeah
Ja) so what are we doing today
Em) is it okay if I visit the hype house I wanna see the girls
Ja) yeah of course I'll spend the day with the boys
Em) sounds good, well I'm gonna get dressed
Ja) no your not your gonna cuddle with me
Em) oh really?
Ja) yes
Em) fine
Of course I gave in who wouldn't
Em) your such a simp
Ja) ya and..
Em) you're my simp
I felt him smile against my neck before he kissed my cheek, after awhile I changed into Jeans and jadens hoodie and texted Dixie because we are really close friends

Dixie stick


Hey dix i just wondered if I could come over today bc I'm back home

Ofc I miss u sm

Kk I'm leaving soon

Ok let me know when ur here

Ok see ya soon

I put my hair in a high ponytail and walked out of my bathroom
Ja) you look nice
Em) thank you jay
I know I'm such a simp but hearing those words everyday makes my heart melt
Em) do you want me to make breakfast for you before I leave
Ja) no that's okay
Em) okay bye baby I love you
Ja) I love you too, text me when your coming home or If you want me to pick you up
Em) alright
I kissed him once more and walked downstairs
Griff) morning em
Em) morning, hey do you think you could drive me to the hype house
Griff) why you know how to drive
Em) yeah but I don't have a car
Griff) ugh get jaden to drive you
Em)he's in the shower
Griff) then wait for him
Em) griff please
Griff) ugh fine get your shit ready
Em) already got it
Griff) okay get your ass in the car
I got in the car and he drove to the hype house
Griff) I'm not picking you up
Em) whatever
I walked in and Dixie was right there
Dix) hey em I missed you so much
Em)I missed you to
We walked to kouvr and Alex's room luckily alex wasn't there just kouvr
K) Emma your backkkk
She said as she ran over to me
Em) hi I missed you too
Ko) now I feel bad because I have to run a few errands
Em) aweee
Ko) you can stay here if you want alex wont be home for a few hours
Em) okay have fun, bye kouvr
She walked out, so now it was just me and Dixie
Dix) Emma your such a fucking bitch
Em) what?
Dix) you heard me
Em) what are you talking about
Dix) you know exactly what I'm talking about
Em) no I don't why are you so mad
Dix) you told Griffin to cheat on me I know it
Em) what no I didn't
Dix) yeah you did you bitch
Em) I was with jaden for a week how could I tell him to cheat on you
Dix) I don't know but you did
I heard the door open, Calvin and Patrick walked in
Cal) oh sorry
Pat) wait where's alex
Em) I don't know
Cal) were you guys fighting
Dix) no just singing my song
I just looked at her confused and walked into the bathroom so I could call jaden but Dixie walked in
Dix) what do you think your doing
Em) calling jaden
Dix) why are you scared of me
Em) no-
She grabbed my phone and smashed it
Em) Dixie what the fuck was that for
Dix) you know
I picked up my now cracked phone and ran downstairs to avani
Av) oh hey Emma what's up
Em) you can drive right
Av) yeah why
Em) I know we aren't close friends but do you think you could drive me home
Av) oh yeah sure I was going over anyway, but didn't you just get here
Em) yeah but I'm not feeling good
Av) alright let's go
I quickly got in her car while she drove
Soon enough we were back at sway
I just ignored him and went to my room and i saw jaden on my bed
Ja) baby what are you doing back already it hasn't even been an hour
Em) yeah I know I just...don't feel good
Ja) babe I know that's not why you came home what happened
I just gave him a look like I didn't want to talk
Ja) come here
He said with his arms out, so I walked over to him and laid in his arms
Griff) what's your problem
Em) nothing go away
I said not even looking at him
Griff) whatever
He walked out and i changed into some sweats and a sports bra, jumped on the bed and pulled the covers over my head
Ja) want some lunch I'm going to Chick-fil-A
I pulled the covers off my head and looked at him
Em) yes please
Ja) I'll order it
Em) okay..
He ordered it instead of driving to Chick-fil-A, so we just waited
Ja) I'm so hungry
Em) me too
I was so tired and sad so I just laid in bed while he went downstairs to get it
Ja) got it
Em) it smells so good
So we ate and just laid In bed all day


Sorry this was so long i had no ideas and no hate to Dixie i love her but i needed an idea and that was the first thing that came to mind

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