beach (part 2)

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I was walking back towards the shore when I felt someone under me and before I knew it I was on their shoulders
Em) ahh jaden
Ja) yes baby?
Em) put me downnn
Ja) okay you asked for it
Em) wait-
But before I could say anything else I was underwater
Em) babyyyy
Ja) awe c'mon I was gonna make you swim with me one way or another
Em) yeah that's true
I decided to get payback and jumped in his arms making him fall underwater
Ja) ok now your in big trouble
Em) ahh nooo
Then I swam behind haley
Em) help me
Ha) what's wrong
Em) jaden is trying to throw me in the water again because I pushed him under
He swam over and tried to get me but knocked haley over
I couldn't help but laugh my ass off
Ja) sorry not sorry
Then he saw me and threw me over his shoulder
Em) noooo helppp
M) jaden put her down
Ja) okay
he threw me again
Em) ahhh
Ja) you said put her down so i did
M) stop throwing her
Em) yeah jaden stop throwing her
Ja) oh you...
He jumped on me pressing his lips against mine
Ha) oooou
Of course that made me blush a little. we just swam for a few hours
D) I'm starving can we get lunch
Ha) yeah we should probably go soon
We walked out of the water and dried off then we went to a restaurant and had burgers
Ha) jeez dad you must've been starving your almost done
D) yeah and I'm getting another one to take home
We all laughed and he got his burger before we left, went back to their house
Ja) that was so fun
Em) yeah I'm tired thanks for that
Ja) my pleasure
I changed into shorts and jadens hoodie while he just put on different short
M) jaden please put a shirt on this isn't sway
Ha) yeah no one wants to see that..well except Emma she probably wants to see that
I blushed and sat down beside her then I got an idea
Em) hey haley wanna make a tik tok with me
Ha) yeah of course

(The third one)

Ha) I did so bad don't post that
Em) you did great
Ha) that was tiring though
Em) yeah it sure was
jaden and his parents walked over
M) what are you doing
Ha) making tik toks
D) that looks hard
Em) not gonna lie it kinda was
Ha) hey em can I talk to you
Em) yeah sure
Ha) let's go outside
We went outside and sat on the chairs
Em) so what's up are you okay?
Ha) yeah just a little nervous
Em) why
Ha) well this guy on tik tok asked me out and I agreed were meeting up at 7 and I wondered if you could possibly help me
Em) yeah of course but we should start soon it's almost 5
Ha) yeah I'm gonna go shower
Em) ok I'll pick out a few outfits and makeup
We walked in and went upstairs
Ja) where are you going
Em) I'm helping haley
Ja) okay?
We went to her room and while she was in the shower I picked out a t-shirt and skirt, she soon walked out in a towel
Em) I picked this out for you
Ha) awe thanks I love it
Em) I'm gonna go make us some smoothies let me know when your done and I can do your hair and makeup
Ha) okay
I walked to the kitchen and made pineapple strawberry smoothies
Ja) where is she going anyway
Em) oh just out with some friends and she wants to look nice
Ja) makes sense
Em) do you want a smoothie
Ja) yeah sure
I made three smoothies and walked upstairs
Ha) I'm done
Em) okay I brought you this smoothie and my makeup
Ha) thank you
She sat down and I started doing the base makeup when there was a knock at the door
Ha) come in
M) oh hi honey what's going on
Ha) fine just please don't tell jaden or dad, but I'm going on a date
M) yay it's about time
Ja) time for what
Ha) nothing
Ja) sure..anyway dad said he needed you
M) ok hun
They walked out
Em) that was close
About an hour went by and I was done the makeup
Ha)I love it thanks so much
she hugged me, she gives good hugs
Em) can I curl your hair
Ha) yeah of course
I curled her hair and when I was done it was 6:30
Ha) oh my god I'm so nervous
Em) don't be just be yourself and have fun
Ha) thanks so much have fun with jaden if you know what I mean
She laughed and I blushed a little
Em) well anyway have fun on your date
I watched her leave and I walked to mine and jadens room to watch netflix
Ja) oh hey baby
Em)I'm tired
I jumped on the bed beside him
Ja) yeah I bet
Em) can i have cuddles?
I said in a babyish tone
Ja) yeah anything for my love
I put my head on his chest and my arms around his waist, we watched a few movies and it was 10:30
Ja) are you still up baby
Em) yeah I am
I looked up at him, he kissed me which turned into a little make out sesh, after a few minutes we stopped to get air
Em) I love you so much
Ja) I love you too
Then soon enough we both happily fell asleep

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